Words can not describe how thankful i am for all the new friend request and the comments on my set
For some reson S.G has traffic problems, weird....... i was under the impression it happens only on the 405 lol
So ...not all of you got the personal HEY from me .i dont like just to add people for the heck of it .
So dont be just a name on my friends list SAY hi !
Love R.G
Thank you guys again sooooooo much !
Damn that pic is old (israel my room back @ home )me doing my art thing

For some reson S.G has traffic problems, weird....... i was under the impression it happens only on the 405 lol
So ...not all of you got the personal HEY from me .i dont like just to add people for the heck of it .
So dont be just a name on my friends list SAY hi !
Love R.G
Thank you guys again sooooooo much !
Damn that pic is old (israel my room back @ home )me doing my art thing

Thank YOU for the beautiful set and for being awesome!