So, that nasty cough I had on Sunday ended up being a pain-in-the-ass cold which hit me like a tonne of bricks on Monday night. I was meant to spend the evening in town, but after dinner and some shopping (where I bought a cool new pinstripe blazer and finally got some cute lil speakers for my iPod) I had to go home, and skipped out on the film at the Extreme Asian film festival. Wah. Yesterday morning I was feeling like shit, so I bit the bullet and took the day off. I slept in so late, which made me feel a lot better, and well enough to go see Sisters of Mercy with Adri. I barely knew of them beforehand, but I enjoyed the show, despite the fact the sound was terrible (the audience kept chanting "turn it up" as we were all straining to hear it) and I basically saw nothing but smoke from their blasted smoke machines. It might have been so enjoyable because the rhythym guitarist was HOT. Plus we were front row center, so we were pretty comfortable. Gotta love over-anticipating lineups and finding only a couple of people in the queue. HA!
Tonight I was suckered into working late, I'm meant to be here til about 11pm but I really don't see the point in staying so long as it's pretty quiet. Everyone's going to the pub tonight, as Nao is back from Canada and Aleah's sister just arrived. And here I am, rotting away at work like a retard. Oh well, I've been goven a shitload of free food today, so I'll just sit here and feel my ass grow.
And finally, because I just realised I never showed anyone a picture, here's my latest tattoo (which I got months ago, but anyway):
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Yes, it is the burning stickman. Yes, it is horrific and silly and totally random (and yes, I have fugly regrowth). But I love it, despite not being able to see it. I'll be getting touched up soon, as neck tattoos suck balls when it comes to healing! FIRE KILLS CHILDREN!
Tonight I was suckered into working late, I'm meant to be here til about 11pm but I really don't see the point in staying so long as it's pretty quiet. Everyone's going to the pub tonight, as Nao is back from Canada and Aleah's sister just arrived. And here I am, rotting away at work like a retard. Oh well, I've been goven a shitload of free food today, so I'll just sit here and feel my ass grow.
And finally, because I just realised I never showed anyone a picture, here's my latest tattoo (which I got months ago, but anyway):
Bigger picture
Yes, it is the burning stickman. Yes, it is horrific and silly and totally random (and yes, I have fugly regrowth). But I love it, despite not being able to see it. I'll be getting touched up soon, as neck tattoos suck balls when it comes to healing! FIRE KILLS CHILDREN!