Living alone made me realize that in fact I was not a child anymore. To leave without warning, to walk naked through the house (hahahha), to stay away how many days I wanted, to buy the things that I wanted, sex with whom and when I wanted. But I think what made me realize and think, "Holy shit, I'm an adult now," was to have to pay my bills and take responsibility for my actions, and not have "Mom and Dad" on the side to take care of me. Definitely the day I felt there was no way back, it was when I signed my contract for the apartment, took my boxes, lay down to sleep after a busy day and thought, "Man, I'm alone, really alone, I do not know what to do. I have no idea where to start. "Okay, so this is adulthood, it's definitely not what I thought it was."
Thanks @rambo and @missy