hooooow do.
i thought today seemed springly when i woke up so i put on some cute strappy shoes. this was a mistake.
the day turned bittercold and i have welts across my feet from the straps. like i've been strapped.
by a cruel headmistress.
mmm strapped!
i have an exhibit going up in providence, my very first show and the opening's saturday. this is nervous-exciting. i've invited every rich parent i can think of, if i sell 6 prints i may actually break even. but this is doubtful. achhh who needs money? i have my health. and love. and an opening!
AND howcaniforget i have 3 new beautiful tiny frogs! they're so wee.
i thought today seemed springly when i woke up so i put on some cute strappy shoes. this was a mistake.
the day turned bittercold and i have welts across my feet from the straps. like i've been strapped.
by a cruel headmistress.
mmm strapped!
i have an exhibit going up in providence, my very first show and the opening's saturday. this is nervous-exciting. i've invited every rich parent i can think of, if i sell 6 prints i may actually break even. but this is doubtful. achhh who needs money? i have my health. and love. and an opening!
AND howcaniforget i have 3 new beautiful tiny frogs! they're so wee.
i like zox, verse...basically i will go to see any band play live...so are you still living in RI?