Well, I have been ill from a stress-based illness for the last two months or so and haven't been keeping up with writing my blogs and feel very sorry about that. I realize it's good FOR ME to write here and helps me connect with some of you out there, so, now in the face of retirement, I will work on regaining my health and be writing more (I'm hoping).
But I did write a response to the Ed Norton interview so I thought I could share it here too to make up for what I haven't been writing:
Well, I like Ed Norton and what he has done in films and for films. AndI I was caught up in the idealism and excitement of the election and victory. But we have a very bad political system which puts profits before people, that rewards the rich and powerful--both individual and corporate--with more money, power and influence because they can pay their way into that political system. So it's hard not to be depressed by an interview like this--wihout seeing it in the larger context and a president who is fighting two wars--is in fact a warmonger. And a president that cannot get a health care bill passed despite it being already watered down an not even that close to what the rest of the advanced countries have found a way to offer to their citizens. And a president who can dole out money aid to the banks in a time of national pain and sadness when the average person out there needs the aid and the bankers were the ones who started all this in the first place...
So, short of something approaching a Marxist or socialist answer, I can't see what there is to get so excited about.
(Yes, as a civil rights worker in the early 60's in Alabama I do feel a sense of pride that we can elect a black man as president. Now how about working to end racism?)
All the best to all of you. Love, peace and understanding! r-h
But I did write a response to the Ed Norton interview so I thought I could share it here too to make up for what I haven't been writing:
Well, I like Ed Norton and what he has done in films and for films. AndI I was caught up in the idealism and excitement of the election and victory. But we have a very bad political system which puts profits before people, that rewards the rich and powerful--both individual and corporate--with more money, power and influence because they can pay their way into that political system. So it's hard not to be depressed by an interview like this--wihout seeing it in the larger context and a president who is fighting two wars--is in fact a warmonger. And a president that cannot get a health care bill passed despite it being already watered down an not even that close to what the rest of the advanced countries have found a way to offer to their citizens. And a president who can dole out money aid to the banks in a time of national pain and sadness when the average person out there needs the aid and the bankers were the ones who started all this in the first place...
So, short of something approaching a Marxist or socialist answer, I can't see what there is to get so excited about.
(Yes, as a civil rights worker in the early 60's in Alabama I do feel a sense of pride that we can elect a black man as president. Now how about working to end racism?)
All the best to all of you. Love, peace and understanding! r-h

Oh, I got it via PM. Didn't you get the response?
OMG Me too!!