Well, I'm off on vacation with my home computer still down but able to use a computer here at the motel in Northhampton, Massachusetts. Julia and I have been having a real fine vacation--a week with 2 days in Woodstock, VT, 2 days in Brattleboro, VT and 2 days in Northhampton, MA then back to Woodstock, NEW YORK, home, tomorrow. We didn't get our arguing out of the way this year in the first 2 days as usual but have been off and on all week--but not arguing as much as talking things out--which has been very good. Let's say, talking out disatisfactions with each other. So it has been very productive--at least Julia tells me so and I always trust her intuition. I am slowly recovering from the way too much stress of my job and still have another week at home to hang out and relax. Reading a lot of poetry, as usual, and buying up CDs by trading in mine for store credit at this great store, "Turn It Up" in Northhampton. They gave me $48 in store credit for what I brought in and I have been trading the credit for the great 3 for $10 street sale of their CD's, mostly of songwriters sort of the folk kind. Love hearing new stuff. You can listen to what you might want in the store and sort it all out before buying. All's well with my two sons in New York City and that always makes for a good feeling. Well, enough for now. Be well. Reach out to somebody and enjoy something in life!

Us California Boys have to get it right.
(r-h, born in Los Angeles!)