ugh! computer is shot. completely. something about the hard drive just dying. blowing out. my computer friend, who works at IBM says "You're hosed". Encouraging. Men are so encouraging to each other
So I'm here at the library trying to write on this website without being spotted as being on a naughty, apparently porn site (beauty is in the mind of the beholder, right?) We really are such a repressed and backward country when it comes to the display of the human body. Anyway, that's not why I'm here. I like the friends I made and the ability to get involved in issues like in the Feminist group and also in special sexual interests that are "accepted" and encouraged on this site--like the boobs groups and the hirsute group (why I have such an interest in hair "down there", I don't know, but I do. It's definitely an erotic zone for me. I just feel lousy when I see women who have shaved off their pubic hair. They look like little girls to me. All clean and spic and span. Why? I like the jungle like attraction of a hairy you know what. Well, chacun a son gout. Right?)
So how's the world. People I know keep getting left by someone they love. Men keep acting immature. I see too much abuse (of course, in my job, I specialize in helping survivors of abuse, so what do I expect?). Life can be lonely, frustrating and frightening. But there is also the way of love, of hope, of the heart. Also the call of the wild, of fun, of joy, of dancing and singing.
This morning I was dancing around, listening to the Rolling Stones on my headphones, singing along in a loud voice and making merry when my dear wife comes in the front door, unbeknownst to me. I didn't see her or hear her. Well she almost had a fit that I wasn't paying the right kind of attention to her and I blew up saying: "Why can't a guy get away with some play and fun once in awhile, especially me, who has been in such a vice of stress at work for a number of weeks? Do you always have to come first?" Well, we really got into it, had a knock down, drag out VERBAL fight, respectfully, and really opened up some good doors for our relationship. We both realized that we had been carrying around a lot of anger for each other without really getting it expressed and it was holding back a lot of love that we both needed. So it turned out well. Sometimes you just need to have it out. Right?
All respect to all of you. Enjoy life. And argue when you need to.

So how's the world. People I know keep getting left by someone they love. Men keep acting immature. I see too much abuse (of course, in my job, I specialize in helping survivors of abuse, so what do I expect?). Life can be lonely, frustrating and frightening. But there is also the way of love, of hope, of the heart. Also the call of the wild, of fun, of joy, of dancing and singing.
This morning I was dancing around, listening to the Rolling Stones on my headphones, singing along in a loud voice and making merry when my dear wife comes in the front door, unbeknownst to me. I didn't see her or hear her. Well she almost had a fit that I wasn't paying the right kind of attention to her and I blew up saying: "Why can't a guy get away with some play and fun once in awhile, especially me, who has been in such a vice of stress at work for a number of weeks? Do you always have to come first?" Well, we really got into it, had a knock down, drag out VERBAL fight, respectfully, and really opened up some good doors for our relationship. We both realized that we had been carrying around a lot of anger for each other without really getting it expressed and it was holding back a lot of love that we both needed. So it turned out well. Sometimes you just need to have it out. Right?
All respect to all of you. Enjoy life. And argue when you need to.

hey!! I know getting back home is the best when you go back you enjoy things twice cuz you know is not real life like a lil escape from reality!! I'm glad you let the anger out keeping it in is like poison and now is the time for love and that's the most important thing we have to feed everyday hope your computer gets fixed!