What a weird Sunday. I've been reading a few blogs about today, Sunday, being a blah day, like Lenya's. And wondering what's going on. Then I'm looking back over my day and I realize I'm just in a strange zone today myself. I woke up at 10 or so (regular for me on weekends), ate breakfast with my wife, Julia (and favorite cat Phoenix), said good-bye to Julia who had to go to a drama practice for a play she's helping with and promptly fell asleep again to 3:30 in the afternoon. Waking up, I wondered "Am I depressed today or what?" How do I get out of this funk? So I went to my favorite poet who always seems to pull me up from way down, Charles Bukowski, and, sure enough, I came up from under and felt alive again.
so I went out on the porch on a lovely day in Upstate New York and started reading poets to keep the vibe going. Right now I've just finished the last of my beloved Kim Addonizio's book (with her next one already ordered from Amazon when it comes out in September). She's a great, down-to-earth, raw and real, tell it like it is woman's writer that takes me into a world I cannot visit (that of being a woman) except through the magic of creative expression. It's like being in another culture. So I read Dorianne Laux, a wonderful poet who can also write directly from experience then on to the great Sharon Olds then to Sandra Cisneros. All fine life affirmative writers who affirm life by going deep inside of their experiences with skill and the real art of communication.
Tonnight, after the newest episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent--which I love--on USA channel, I will pick up Bagdad Burning by Riverbend, who I was turned on to by our newest Suicide Girl, Yesenia. She has some very intelligent ideas to share--Yesenia--and Bagdad Burning is a "girl blog" written from Bagdad, Iraq during the war by a young woman Iraqui who lives the war right on the ground in front of her, all around her, living with her family and can write out a blog anonymously that gives an American a perspective I don't know how you could get any other way about this sad war that we brought to these poor people.
Well, enough about all my reading exploits. This Sunday turned out pretty good for me, after all.
so I went out on the porch on a lovely day in Upstate New York and started reading poets to keep the vibe going. Right now I've just finished the last of my beloved Kim Addonizio's book (with her next one already ordered from Amazon when it comes out in September). She's a great, down-to-earth, raw and real, tell it like it is woman's writer that takes me into a world I cannot visit (that of being a woman) except through the magic of creative expression. It's like being in another culture. So I read Dorianne Laux, a wonderful poet who can also write directly from experience then on to the great Sharon Olds then to Sandra Cisneros. All fine life affirmative writers who affirm life by going deep inside of their experiences with skill and the real art of communication.
Tonnight, after the newest episode of Law and Order: Criminal Intent--which I love--on USA channel, I will pick up Bagdad Burning by Riverbend, who I was turned on to by our newest Suicide Girl, Yesenia. She has some very intelligent ideas to share--Yesenia--and Bagdad Burning is a "girl blog" written from Bagdad, Iraq during the war by a young woman Iraqui who lives the war right on the ground in front of her, all around her, living with her family and can write out a blog anonymously that gives an American a perspective I don't know how you could get any other way about this sad war that we brought to these poor people.
Well, enough about all my reading exploits. This Sunday turned out pretty good for me, after all.

it wasnt the mic, the video camera didnt pick up my voice
awww thank you!!! your words always makes me smile....yous so sweet!!! enjoy a lot your weekend!!! be happy