Well, it's Sunday and I had to face the wife (really a fine person) with the question of "what are you doing on that suicide girls page all the time? Do you just want to see young girls with their clothes off? What's going on anyway? So I realize this is important and I have to answer this the right way. After all I am a 63 year old man and all the girls on the site seem to be about 22 or some such. Well, I invited her to come look at exactly what I'm doing on the site--that is interacting with about 10 friends or so by writing messages back and forth or responding to blogs. Sure the skimpy clothes pictures are on there, but that's just not why I'm there. Of course she had to follow up with a load of questions to the idea really of WHY am I so interested in 22 (or so) year old girls anyway. Well, I said I didin't really know. But I guess I relate to a that time of my life as having a lot of energy for me, perhaps the happiest time of life I have had (even theough the present isn't that bad, actually). And It's also like talking to my youngest son, who is 26. He hits me with a lot of good energy and life and I need that. There aren't too many folks in my age group or anywhere near my age group who have the creative, impulsive, alive responses to life. I don't know what it is, but just living out the years seems to deaden so many people. So that was my second level of defense. I think my wife bought it. Anyway, I asked her, what if I were there just to look at the young bodies (which I am not), what would be the harm in that. Well, she said it would be pretty perverse. Maybe she's right, but I don't know if I agree with her. I just think it is a waist of time for males to spend their life just gawking at females. And it must be so so boring to girls/women to be the object of such tiring attention. Anyway, I do consider myself somewhat of a feminist (and radical politically) and would not let myself fall into that category. Our society is already drenched with too much objectification of women combined with (still) a lack of opportunity in the real world and inequality. Oh, well, I think I've gone on enough about this. But it is an interesting situation, justifying what you are doing to your significant other. Right?
Luv to all,
Luv to all,

lately, i feel that everything can and is improving... so im feel in peace and happy...
i always glad to hear about you, you are the must kind person ever and made me happy be your friend...so...
"DONT WORRY, BE HAPPY" jajajajaja