* Please note, this is not an emo update
, this is due to a couple of fucking incredible days and the fact that i was criticised for having emo / sad journal updates
ok, lets do it
A big fuck yeah goes out to the brisbane members of SG that attended the hookup last night. It was great to have good numbers there and to also meet some members for the first time.
SG members i met for the first time are: merchbitch and the incredible linoleum
Other SG members who attended: sonofJah with some friends, star_pariah with her husband and another couple of friends, BiancaRose , speedway74
Past / lapsed / grey SG members that turned up were Erythrocitez and mizundastood and her sister
Lasonja was also seen at large in the Valley, those 2 are crazy, crazy girls.
All those and more people had turned up as it also doubled as a going away party / piss-up for me because i am leaving brisbane, but i am going to be rich ....fuck yeah
Here are some pictures from the night:
linoleum and I
Erythrocitez, linoleum and I
sonofJah and linoleum
....erm, so i kissed Erythrocitez
Erythrocitez and my sister
Mizundastood (centre), sonofJah and Mizundastood's sister
Mizundastood and sonofJah
My good friend Bryony and I
my great friends Dave and Bryony
linoleum and speedway74
Erythrocitez and I decided to bust a move ....that was some funky shit
This is me and my "best mate" James
I am glad to report that "slutfaced bitch-whore" did not turn up...hell yeah
ok ....sooooooooooooooo
one by one the crew retired back to their dwellings until it was down to myself and linoleum, that was the way it stayed for the last 2 hours of the night ....i didn't mind too much though
Linoleum invited me to go to a picnic in the park today. The occasion was a birthday for a good friend of hers. It was great fun to go down to Newfarm Park and play some croquet, throw some frisbee, kick a ball and to generally just have some fun.
I was a little freaked out when i received a phone call from amobia, he told me that i looked rediculous playing croquet ....WTF , i got scared, how did he know what i was doing ...coincidence, as it turned out he was playing cricket with a group of his mates no more than 100 metres away. He later told me that he knew it was me because of my "rediculous hair". ....ha ha...funny shit
There was almost a tragidy when my frisbee ended up on the roof of the adjascent library. I took it upon myself to turn into a monkey and climbed up and retrieved it .... getting down however was another issue. Thanks to amobia for using his rather large, strong frame to help me off of the roof.
After departing the park linoleum and i headed up a local hill to a lookout overlooking brisbane. We sat there a had the best discussion i think i may have ever had. We spoke about all manor of things and we both had a great time
the view from the lookout ... i know the picture isn't super good, but the lights are still sweet
linoleum and I standing at the lookout
So, i think that brings me to the end of 2 fantastic days.
I have 6 days left in Brisbane till i go to Mt Isa. On Thursday night i am heading to the Dockside Comedy Club with a crew for a giggle before i depart. I can't wait.
I don't think there is much more left to say.
I have had the following song stuck in my head all day, it is getting a little annoying: hmmmmm, fuck i can be sad
Possesions never meant anything to me
I'm not crazy
Well that's not true, I've got a bed, and a guitar
And a dog named Bob who pisses on my floor
That's right, I've got a floor
So what, so what, so what?
I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
Where everything important to me
Just seems to fall right down my leg
And on to the floor
My closest friend linoleum
Supports my head, gives me something to believe
That's me on the beachside combing the sand
Metal meter in my hand
Sporting a pocket full of change
That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
That's me on the back of the bus
That's me in the cell
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
The world is a happy place for me today.
Thanks to everyone for existing
I am out
p.s. fuck yeah, life is good

ok, lets do it
A big fuck yeah goes out to the brisbane members of SG that attended the hookup last night. It was great to have good numbers there and to also meet some members for the first time.
SG members i met for the first time are: merchbitch and the incredible linoleum

Other SG members who attended: sonofJah with some friends, star_pariah with her husband and another couple of friends, BiancaRose , speedway74
Past / lapsed / grey SG members that turned up were Erythrocitez and mizundastood and her sister
Lasonja was also seen at large in the Valley, those 2 are crazy, crazy girls.
All those and more people had turned up as it also doubled as a going away party / piss-up for me because i am leaving brisbane, but i am going to be rich ....fuck yeah
Here are some pictures from the night:

linoleum and I

Erythrocitez, linoleum and I

sonofJah and linoleum

....erm, so i kissed Erythrocitez

Erythrocitez and my sister

Mizundastood (centre), sonofJah and Mizundastood's sister

Mizundastood and sonofJah

My good friend Bryony and I

my great friends Dave and Bryony

linoleum and speedway74

Erythrocitez and I decided to bust a move ....that was some funky shit

This is me and my "best mate" James
I am glad to report that "slutfaced bitch-whore" did not turn up...hell yeah
ok ....sooooooooooooooo
one by one the crew retired back to their dwellings until it was down to myself and linoleum, that was the way it stayed for the last 2 hours of the night ....i didn't mind too much though
Linoleum invited me to go to a picnic in the park today. The occasion was a birthday for a good friend of hers. It was great fun to go down to Newfarm Park and play some croquet, throw some frisbee, kick a ball and to generally just have some fun.
I was a little freaked out when i received a phone call from amobia, he told me that i looked rediculous playing croquet ....WTF , i got scared, how did he know what i was doing ...coincidence, as it turned out he was playing cricket with a group of his mates no more than 100 metres away. He later told me that he knew it was me because of my "rediculous hair". ....ha ha...funny shit
There was almost a tragidy when my frisbee ended up on the roof of the adjascent library. I took it upon myself to turn into a monkey and climbed up and retrieved it .... getting down however was another issue. Thanks to amobia for using his rather large, strong frame to help me off of the roof.
After departing the park linoleum and i headed up a local hill to a lookout overlooking brisbane. We sat there a had the best discussion i think i may have ever had. We spoke about all manor of things and we both had a great time

the view from the lookout ... i know the picture isn't super good, but the lights are still sweet

linoleum and I standing at the lookout
So, i think that brings me to the end of 2 fantastic days.
I have 6 days left in Brisbane till i go to Mt Isa. On Thursday night i am heading to the Dockside Comedy Club with a crew for a giggle before i depart. I can't wait.
I don't think there is much more left to say.
I have had the following song stuck in my head all day, it is getting a little annoying: hmmmmm, fuck i can be sad

Possesions never meant anything to me
I'm not crazy
Well that's not true, I've got a bed, and a guitar
And a dog named Bob who pisses on my floor
That's right, I've got a floor
So what, so what, so what?
I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
Where everything important to me
Just seems to fall right down my leg
And on to the floor
My closest friend linoleum
Supports my head, gives me something to believe
That's me on the beachside combing the sand
Metal meter in my hand
Sporting a pocket full of change
That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
That's me on the back of the bus
That's me in the cell
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
The world is a happy place for me today.
Thanks to everyone for existing
I am out
p.s. fuck yeah, life is good
So I went on saturday but got there late, 9:30 and could'nt find anyone not that I new what anyone really looked like anyhow