some times life can be good
and then the next day it can FUCKING SUCK
i feel lonely, numb, empty, rage, anguish, fear, dispaire, pain, pain, pain, pain ........
and then the next day it can FUCKING SUCK
i feel lonely, numb, empty, rage, anguish, fear, dispaire, pain, pain, pain, pain ........
dude, obviously your best mate isn't your best mate... otherwise he wouldn't be kickin' it with your ex that said that crappy thing to you... just think of it this way, they deserve each other and they don't deserve to be your friend - you're way better than all that crap. Obviously each of them doesn't really care about you or your feelings... friends that go out with friends ' ex's (especially best friends) are a total no no... fuck 'em my friend, move on... I wasted so much time trying to work out or salavage dud friendships... when the positive energy and trust is gone from the friendship it's way over... even if they broke up today and he said 'man I'm sorry' and you forgave him and you guys started hanging out again things will never be the same you'll always have that betrayal in the back of your mind and it'll keep eating at you... It's so sad your mate is willing to put his friendship with you aside for a fuck... you're an awesome guy and if this girl was such a bitch to you I'm sure she'll do it to him too... it's only a matter of time... as the saying goes.. leopards don't chnage their spots.... have a rad day beautiful don't let them beat you down - rise above - my thoughts are with ya! hugs, B xx

Hope things improve sir. Good thoughts from the T-Dot.