Time for me to get something off my chest .....
I am unhappy with the direction that this site appears to be heading. The members and friends i have in general are great, but lets take a minute to look at the latest girls to become SG's.
The site itself is titled " Pin-Up Punk Rock and Goth girls " and originally, sure, that is largely what it was. A last bastian of hope for alternatively minded people intent on finding other people they could identify with.
Now the site seems to be filling up with, for lack of a better term, little "teeny bopper" and "look at me, look at me" type girls who believe that their shit doesn't stink on account that they are naked on the net.
The latest wave of SG's in general are in my opinion quite a long way from the ideals that this site was founded on. Girls stating in "Disclaimers" in their journal implying that everyone wants to befriend them and that they are so sought after that they feel the need to imply that they are too cool to accept friendship. Shit like that is not needed and in my opinion girls like that should not become SG's.
These latest girls are hardly punk or goth, more prissy little girls who think they are cool 'cause they get naked. Go back 2 years and look at the girls, and then look at the latest girls and you can't tell me that something has gone wrong.
Has the site sold out, i think so. At times i think this site is almost a "teen porn site" now, not the "altenative / punk / goth" community that it was when i joined.
Sure, the site has become quite popular in some places round the world and more and more girls "think" they are "cool" enough to be SG's, but are they really? A lot of these girls have virgin skin ....which is ok, but not for punk / goth / rock ......come one, seriously.
And another thing i find is given the fact that more "normal" looking girls are becoming SG's then that attracts a slightly different demographic of people to the site. Sure it generates $$$$ ....but SG is accelerating down a path which is taking it far, far away from the ideals that it once used to hold so dear.
I hope and pray that the site administrators take a while to think and to look at what they started, how they started it, and where they are going and that they remember what drove them to start the site. If they do this i can only hope that they decide to return to the orriginal concepts and values that made this site what it was.....I still like the site, but i am finding myself asking .....is it worth me staying a member when the site and its ideals are crumbling and changing into something that is a "polar opposite" to that which i orriginally fell in love with.
There, I have said it
Like it, Love it, I don't care, That is my oppinion and i am sure you have your own.
That is all for now
I am out
I am unhappy with the direction that this site appears to be heading. The members and friends i have in general are great, but lets take a minute to look at the latest girls to become SG's.
The site itself is titled " Pin-Up Punk Rock and Goth girls " and originally, sure, that is largely what it was. A last bastian of hope for alternatively minded people intent on finding other people they could identify with.
Now the site seems to be filling up with, for lack of a better term, little "teeny bopper" and "look at me, look at me" type girls who believe that their shit doesn't stink on account that they are naked on the net.
The latest wave of SG's in general are in my opinion quite a long way from the ideals that this site was founded on. Girls stating in "Disclaimers" in their journal implying that everyone wants to befriend them and that they are so sought after that they feel the need to imply that they are too cool to accept friendship. Shit like that is not needed and in my opinion girls like that should not become SG's.
These latest girls are hardly punk or goth, more prissy little girls who think they are cool 'cause they get naked. Go back 2 years and look at the girls, and then look at the latest girls and you can't tell me that something has gone wrong.
Has the site sold out, i think so. At times i think this site is almost a "teen porn site" now, not the "altenative / punk / goth" community that it was when i joined.
Sure, the site has become quite popular in some places round the world and more and more girls "think" they are "cool" enough to be SG's, but are they really? A lot of these girls have virgin skin ....which is ok, but not for punk / goth / rock ......come one, seriously.
And another thing i find is given the fact that more "normal" looking girls are becoming SG's then that attracts a slightly different demographic of people to the site. Sure it generates $$$$ ....but SG is accelerating down a path which is taking it far, far away from the ideals that it once used to hold so dear.
I hope and pray that the site administrators take a while to think and to look at what they started, how they started it, and where they are going and that they remember what drove them to start the site. If they do this i can only hope that they decide to return to the orriginal concepts and values that made this site what it was.....I still like the site, but i am finding myself asking .....is it worth me staying a member when the site and its ideals are crumbling and changing into something that is a "polar opposite" to that which i orriginally fell in love with.
There, I have said it
Like it, Love it, I don't care, That is my oppinion and i am sure you have your own.

That is all for now

I am out

you ok? your msn name change is a little odd...or are you just getting in the mood for prodigy??
I do however love the communitya nd the people on my friends list. You guys are great!