Being home doesn't feel like i thought it would. Everyone is at least making me feel welcome though so i am glad for that. I went out on Friday and Saturday night and was left wondering : WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED. Maybe i became too accustomed to Canada / Toronto, or maybe i just really had forgotten what Brisbane / the Valley was like, or maybe what i saw and felt is true. Brisbane appears to have changed into some commercial music loving, fashion "label" wearing group of "sheep".
So now i find myself wondering if it was just 1 weekend or if the Brisbane i knew is gone.
But it was still good to at least be running through the valley and visiting the place where i spent sooo much time.
Being home doesn't feel like i thought it would. Everyone is at least making me feel welcome though so i am glad for that. I went out on Friday and Saturday night and was left wondering : WHAT THE FUCK HAS HAPPENED. Maybe i became too accustomed to Canada / Toronto, or maybe i just really had forgotten what Brisbane / the Valley was like, or maybe what i saw and felt is true. Brisbane appears to have changed into some commercial music loving, fashion "label" wearing group of "sheep".
So now i find myself wondering if it was just 1 weekend or if the Brisbane i knew is gone.
But it was still good to at least be running through the valley and visiting the place where i spent sooo much time.
Credit Card sorted. Banks are frequently stupid 

The piercings are healing great! Still no pain and no problems.
I am so happy and I know I got lucky with them not hurting. I love them!!