Wow, OMG, what a weekend
I would like to preface this update by saying that it is more than a week now since i have had a drink, despite this i went out both friday and saturday night and had one of the bestest weekends i have had for a long, long time.
Well......after missing the gym for a week with some funky retarded virus that fatigued me, friday night had arrived. I returned home from work and decided just to do a little cleaning ...
3 hours later and the whole place had been cleaned ...even the shower and toilet had been scrubbed...then i got to thinking, i want to go out
so a quick 10 second walk next door and i had recruited paul to come out for the night, my bait...i would drive
first we headed to the hospital social club where we ran into some regulars and played ome pool, it was agreedthat we would later meet up at a later point as paul and i had an agenda and we headed off
The Overlander hotel was the next place we headed, paul knew the manager and i ended up with 2 free cans of coke
Then the barkley hotel ....that place is a real outback pub...and there i go with hair up, dressed in black, ...fuck me, i felt a little scared, paul, and his mate neville (who had joined our team) detected this and we decided to head
The Buffalo club was our next stop, we again met up with the nurses, i sang an average rendition of Lola from the kinks karaoke style and then we headed
We then made it to the Irish club and again rendes ...fuck it ...met up with the nurses, i had to be firm in explaing that no, i didn't want to take monique (a 31 y/o scottish nurse) home with me .....long story short i got shitty, paul disappeared and monique asked for a lift home
then one of the most magical things i have experienced happend
I asked monique if she trusted me, "i do" she replied in a thick scottish accent without a second though i took off east on the highway. I drove out of town for an hour all the time playing cds ...From Autumn to Ashes, The Amity Affliction to name a few....anyway, then we stopped at a rest area, got out of the car and then lay there looking up at the vast and magestic sky
I have never seen sooo many stars, in 30 minutes we must have seen 20 shooting stars, not a word was said, not a noise was heard...soooo many stars, .aaaand might i add, stars actually twinkle out here, in the city there is too much light to fully appreciate just how amazing stars are.
Listening to interpol and juliana theory we returned back to mt isa, itwas 4 am when i dropped monique back off at the nurses quarters.
I went shopping for some supplies and ran into linda, the supervisor at the local grocery store, she mentioned she was going out that night and mentioned if i was doing nothing she would love to have a chat and a laugh, i thought it a fair request
i then decided that i would like to see a movie, and given the fact that monique and i had agreed that we would both like to see harry potter it was decided that we would see the 8.40 session. The movie is fucking awesome
harry potter rocks.....i don't care what you say
after the movie i dropped monique home and then headed solo to th e irish club / nightclub....
no sooner had i entered the club and linda jumped out and said "hi"
At this point in time i will mention that over the past month i have been talking with Jaime, a super short, but super cute bar was really great she would simle at me and say, you always get chips, but you can never remember how much they cost, it is true, i like barbeque chips
aaaaaaaanyway, dancing like a mofo and getting quite swweatty, i had a fucking greta time and linda mentioned how much fun it was to actually do something instead of just sit there and drink, ...i felt justified in my decision to drive by that comment and thanked her accordingly
i had previously mentioned to jaime earlier in the night that i really enjoyed harry potter and i recommended she go and see it .......30 minutes from close she mentioned how she had decided she was going to go and see it, but was saddened by the fact that she would have to go alone, ...hmmm, i though, is this a door being swung open in my face, or someone with no friends accepting loneliness......
fuck it, ...hmmmmmmmm
"well, if you really want to see the movie with someone, you could always come with me, i want to see it again"
blushing she said, are you serious .....
long story short....i have a fricken date on wednesday night with the short, cute bar tender girl, just as friends i think, but the point of the story is i have a date ...wooohooo
I then spent an hour driving linda an her group of friends home got home at 4
I woke up, cooked pancakes, stewed some apples and sliced a mango from the tree out the front, ....hmmmmmmpancakes, spiced apples and fresh mango ....yummmmm
so that is what i have been up to
and now, on a fucked up serious note
my definition of rude
Accepting an invitation back to someones house, drinking that persons rum, listening to that persons music, generally having a good time with that person and others.....
Deciding to crash, ...hooking up with a girl, watching the girl make out with the host (for about 5 minutes only) the nod to the host "go away, come back later"
...having a shower with the girl while the hosts parents are asking "who has been in the shower for 50 minuteS?"
....fucking the girl on the hosts bed for an hour
...leaving a fucknig disgusting and huge CUM STAIN on the hosts bed
...accepting the hosts lift home
....after accepting hospitality and alcohol from the host, ..kicking him out of his bed, fucking a chick on his bed staining his bed, upsetting his parents, accepting a lift home....then, THEN AFTER ALL THAT DELETING CONTACTS AND IGNORING / BLOCKING the host
so in effect just using the host for a place to fuck some chick that was picked up that night
That my friends is my definition of rude
I know there are other versions of the above event circulating, i know people have added their own twist
Truth be known, i had not disclosed details of the night to anyone, people assumed things / issues .....
I am sorry if people heard second hand bullshit from others
it is fucking funny to see how one by one my "FRIENDS" have been deleting me from "friends" lists .....
I am not fucking dumb, i know people are spreading, cruel and malicious bullshit about me, i have bit my tongue until now, but FOR FUCKS SAKE
People are leaving this site for the sort of bullshit that has crept into this place
Erythrocitez has left citing similar reasons, the way this site is selling out is one thing, but the nature of the brisbane scene and the community aspect of it has been distorted, damagaed and hurt beyond repair
Teeny boppers are playing with people, playing with their emotions, playing people against people, telling lies, spreading bullshit
Saddened i am by the insurgence of teeny boppers into this site and i find myself asking myself the same questions that Erythrocitez and Amobia have been pondering it really worth staying on this site when it has become poluted by selfish, immature people
enough said, i will go now before i say something that offends someone who has been a "true friend" to me
enough said, i am out
andfor the fucking record, previous emo updates have not been about a specific person or actions, ......the piece of shit i wrote about wanting a girl was something i wrote close to a year ago
I would like to preface this update by saying that it is more than a week now since i have had a drink, despite this i went out both friday and saturday night and had one of the bestest weekends i have had for a long, long time.
Well......after missing the gym for a week with some funky retarded virus that fatigued me, friday night had arrived. I returned home from work and decided just to do a little cleaning ...
3 hours later and the whole place had been cleaned ...even the shower and toilet had been scrubbed...then i got to thinking, i want to go out
so a quick 10 second walk next door and i had recruited paul to come out for the night, my bait...i would drive
first we headed to the hospital social club where we ran into some regulars and played ome pool, it was agreedthat we would later meet up at a later point as paul and i had an agenda and we headed off
The Overlander hotel was the next place we headed, paul knew the manager and i ended up with 2 free cans of coke

Then the barkley hotel ....that place is a real outback pub...and there i go with hair up, dressed in black, ...fuck me, i felt a little scared, paul, and his mate neville (who had joined our team) detected this and we decided to head
The Buffalo club was our next stop, we again met up with the nurses, i sang an average rendition of Lola from the kinks karaoke style and then we headed
We then made it to the Irish club and again rendes ...fuck it ...met up with the nurses, i had to be firm in explaing that no, i didn't want to take monique (a 31 y/o scottish nurse) home with me .....long story short i got shitty, paul disappeared and monique asked for a lift home
then one of the most magical things i have experienced happend
I asked monique if she trusted me, "i do" she replied in a thick scottish accent without a second though i took off east on the highway. I drove out of town for an hour all the time playing cds ...From Autumn to Ashes, The Amity Affliction to name a few....anyway, then we stopped at a rest area, got out of the car and then lay there looking up at the vast and magestic sky
I have never seen sooo many stars, in 30 minutes we must have seen 20 shooting stars, not a word was said, not a noise was heard...soooo many stars, .aaaand might i add, stars actually twinkle out here, in the city there is too much light to fully appreciate just how amazing stars are.
Listening to interpol and juliana theory we returned back to mt isa, itwas 4 am when i dropped monique back off at the nurses quarters.
I went shopping for some supplies and ran into linda, the supervisor at the local grocery store, she mentioned she was going out that night and mentioned if i was doing nothing she would love to have a chat and a laugh, i thought it a fair request
i then decided that i would like to see a movie, and given the fact that monique and i had agreed that we would both like to see harry potter it was decided that we would see the 8.40 session. The movie is fucking awesome
harry potter rocks.....i don't care what you say
after the movie i dropped monique home and then headed solo to th e irish club / nightclub....
no sooner had i entered the club and linda jumped out and said "hi"
At this point in time i will mention that over the past month i have been talking with Jaime, a super short, but super cute bar was really great she would simle at me and say, you always get chips, but you can never remember how much they cost, it is true, i like barbeque chips
aaaaaaaanyway, dancing like a mofo and getting quite swweatty, i had a fucking greta time and linda mentioned how much fun it was to actually do something instead of just sit there and drink, ...i felt justified in my decision to drive by that comment and thanked her accordingly
i had previously mentioned to jaime earlier in the night that i really enjoyed harry potter and i recommended she go and see it .......30 minutes from close she mentioned how she had decided she was going to go and see it, but was saddened by the fact that she would have to go alone, ...hmmm, i though, is this a door being swung open in my face, or someone with no friends accepting loneliness......
fuck it, ...hmmmmmmmm
"well, if you really want to see the movie with someone, you could always come with me, i want to see it again"
blushing she said, are you serious .....
long story short....i have a fricken date on wednesday night with the short, cute bar tender girl, just as friends i think, but the point of the story is i have a date ...wooohooo
I then spent an hour driving linda an her group of friends home got home at 4
I woke up, cooked pancakes, stewed some apples and sliced a mango from the tree out the front, ....hmmmmmmpancakes, spiced apples and fresh mango ....yummmmm
so that is what i have been up to
and now, on a fucked up serious note
my definition of rude
Accepting an invitation back to someones house, drinking that persons rum, listening to that persons music, generally having a good time with that person and others.....
Deciding to crash, ...hooking up with a girl, watching the girl make out with the host (for about 5 minutes only) the nod to the host "go away, come back later"
...having a shower with the girl while the hosts parents are asking "who has been in the shower for 50 minuteS?"
....fucking the girl on the hosts bed for an hour
...leaving a fucknig disgusting and huge CUM STAIN on the hosts bed
...accepting the hosts lift home
....after accepting hospitality and alcohol from the host, ..kicking him out of his bed, fucking a chick on his bed staining his bed, upsetting his parents, accepting a lift home....then, THEN AFTER ALL THAT DELETING CONTACTS AND IGNORING / BLOCKING the host
so in effect just using the host for a place to fuck some chick that was picked up that night
That my friends is my definition of rude
I know there are other versions of the above event circulating, i know people have added their own twist
Truth be known, i had not disclosed details of the night to anyone, people assumed things / issues .....
I am sorry if people heard second hand bullshit from others
it is fucking funny to see how one by one my "FRIENDS" have been deleting me from "friends" lists .....
I am not fucking dumb, i know people are spreading, cruel and malicious bullshit about me, i have bit my tongue until now, but FOR FUCKS SAKE
People are leaving this site for the sort of bullshit that has crept into this place
Erythrocitez has left citing similar reasons, the way this site is selling out is one thing, but the nature of the brisbane scene and the community aspect of it has been distorted, damagaed and hurt beyond repair
Teeny boppers are playing with people, playing with their emotions, playing people against people, telling lies, spreading bullshit
Saddened i am by the insurgence of teeny boppers into this site and i find myself asking myself the same questions that Erythrocitez and Amobia have been pondering it really worth staying on this site when it has become poluted by selfish, immature people
enough said, i will go now before i say something that offends someone who has been a "true friend" to me
enough said, i am out
andfor the fucking record, previous emo updates have not been about a specific person or actions, ......the piece of shit i wrote about wanting a girl was something i wrote close to a year ago
I still luv ya
I hope the date goes well