I feel like some giant weight has been lifted from my shoulders.
All the bullshit is over now, and i for one can not be happier. My emo days are gone too. For way too long now i have been the traget of a cruel and malicious game, it ultimately has ruined friendships and strained others. It was genious the way it occured, really smart.
Getting emotional and verbal abuse on a daily basis is hardly fun, but i can say that i can happily put that behind me now and focus on my future.
I love being held responsible for the actions of my peers and family, that shit cuts like razors. Issues i have no control of are being thrust in my face and i am being held accountable for issues far beyond my control.
Truth is something i believe strongly in, i never manipulate or twist things to gain an advantage. Full stories should be heard before decisions made. I do not appreciate being told i am fucked when the whole reason i am under attack has nothing to do with me, nor the attacker.
Fair, ...now that is a word, cruel another. I have done my best to take everything with a grain of salt and let the abuse go, but when i am consistently woken in the middle of the night to offer assistance, even though i don't mind helping a "friend" and then the next day or 2 after to be told i am fucked up ....yeah, being used is fun shit
What does the word friend mean......does it mean, ...someone who maliciously identifies a mutual person who is known to both parties online, befriends that person, gains contact details of another person through that initial contact and then makes every effort possible to befriend that fourth person and ruin any chance of the original "friend" even being a friend to the fourth person .....a friend, i think not, a sadistic, cruel, manipulative person using the word "friend" to disguise the fact that she wants to ruin the original "friends" life.....
i have learnt valuable lessons in the past 8 weeks, ...would i do things different, hell yes, but shit would not have been as bad if someone took a fucking reality check 3 months ago and just "let it go", but no, shit got ugly....fucking friend you say,....
am i bitter, a little you could say, angry, hell yes, the foul words that come flying off my fingers onto this page have been contained for a long time now, but fuck this shit, i am over it
I will say no more of the ugliness that has plaiged me and made me emo for the past 6 weeks....fucking considerate isn't it, abusing someone who is in a foreign city, with no friends and add to that being homesick in hell
i am tired of crying about this, it isn't healthy, being cornered and trapped and forever abused
i am not some ass hole, i am dumb, yes, but if people go crazy and forget to act rationally in the pursuit of something that never was, then a reality check is needed
hunting people down online through internet connections, joining website, keeping tabs on the time that one comes online, that is fucked and some serious questions need to be asked about the mind state of people if shit like that goes down
and to say i am being unfair ...now that was just fucked, i tried everything to get away and escape, i never asked you to fucking follow me, to msg me, to like me, i trusted your words, i believed you,
you lied to me all the time, you manipulated shit and made shit bad, you caused tension, you played people against eachother, you were sooo fucking uncool
get out of the school yard because your shit is fucked up and stay the fuck away from me, leave me alone you tried to ruin my life, admit it, that is what you were doing, you pushed and pushed and pushed......go away, i have tried being fucking nice about it, now there is no nice left, i have had it with your shit and your games
i lost the game obviously, ........leave me alone
fuck this shit,
now, this is some of what i have been up to / witnessing
....yeah, i did catch those tiny excuses for fish
stay cool kids
All the bullshit is over now, and i for one can not be happier. My emo days are gone too. For way too long now i have been the traget of a cruel and malicious game, it ultimately has ruined friendships and strained others. It was genious the way it occured, really smart.
Getting emotional and verbal abuse on a daily basis is hardly fun, but i can say that i can happily put that behind me now and focus on my future.
I love being held responsible for the actions of my peers and family, that shit cuts like razors. Issues i have no control of are being thrust in my face and i am being held accountable for issues far beyond my control.
Truth is something i believe strongly in, i never manipulate or twist things to gain an advantage. Full stories should be heard before decisions made. I do not appreciate being told i am fucked when the whole reason i am under attack has nothing to do with me, nor the attacker.
Fair, ...now that is a word, cruel another. I have done my best to take everything with a grain of salt and let the abuse go, but when i am consistently woken in the middle of the night to offer assistance, even though i don't mind helping a "friend" and then the next day or 2 after to be told i am fucked up ....yeah, being used is fun shit
What does the word friend mean......does it mean, ...someone who maliciously identifies a mutual person who is known to both parties online, befriends that person, gains contact details of another person through that initial contact and then makes every effort possible to befriend that fourth person and ruin any chance of the original "friend" even being a friend to the fourth person .....a friend, i think not, a sadistic, cruel, manipulative person using the word "friend" to disguise the fact that she wants to ruin the original "friends" life.....
i have learnt valuable lessons in the past 8 weeks, ...would i do things different, hell yes, but shit would not have been as bad if someone took a fucking reality check 3 months ago and just "let it go", but no, shit got ugly....fucking friend you say,....
am i bitter, a little you could say, angry, hell yes, the foul words that come flying off my fingers onto this page have been contained for a long time now, but fuck this shit, i am over it
I will say no more of the ugliness that has plaiged me and made me emo for the past 6 weeks....fucking considerate isn't it, abusing someone who is in a foreign city, with no friends and add to that being homesick in hell
i am tired of crying about this, it isn't healthy, being cornered and trapped and forever abused
i am not some ass hole, i am dumb, yes, but if people go crazy and forget to act rationally in the pursuit of something that never was, then a reality check is needed
hunting people down online through internet connections, joining website, keeping tabs on the time that one comes online, that is fucked and some serious questions need to be asked about the mind state of people if shit like that goes down
and to say i am being unfair ...now that was just fucked, i tried everything to get away and escape, i never asked you to fucking follow me, to msg me, to like me, i trusted your words, i believed you,
you lied to me all the time, you manipulated shit and made shit bad, you caused tension, you played people against eachother, you were sooo fucking uncool
get out of the school yard because your shit is fucked up and stay the fuck away from me, leave me alone you tried to ruin my life, admit it, that is what you were doing, you pushed and pushed and pushed......go away, i have tried being fucking nice about it, now there is no nice left, i have had it with your shit and your games
i lost the game obviously, ........leave me alone
fuck this shit,
now, this is some of what i have been up to / witnessing

....yeah, i did catch those tiny excuses for fish
stay cool kids