ok, strap yourself in and get ready, this is gonna be shit
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh......................i am gettting faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat....
ok, i know i am a little vein ...who isn't, but i have put on 9 kg in the past 2 months ......wholey fucking fatman batman ....that's right, so, conscious decision made, gonna eat healthy, join a gym, start running, this is rediclous
From this point in time, until further notice the place i currently live in shall be known for all intensive purposes as BumFuck Nowhere
In Bumfuck nowhere the locals have no teeth, are rednecks and like to fight. A lady i work with (we will call her, work lady) has a daughter in a wheel chair ( we will call her, wheely). Last week, work lady told me how on friday night she got a call at 1.30 in the morning to go and save wheely. Why i hear you ask, the answer is simple, some fucking bitch was picking a fight with wheely. wheely is a nice girl who doesn't say or do anything to offend anyone and she is incapable of defending herself if she needs to ....long story short, office lady stepped up and was prepared to rumble, but it wasn't required ... that is what goes on in bumfuck nowhere, people pick on the weak.
Last night was a very, very fucked up experience .... i got fucked up with my new neighbours ....who coincidently have no front teeth, but that is another story ...back to it
choices are what make us who we are and last night, although i knew better i chose to partake in some "incence burning".
the neighbours...or more specifically, the neighbours boss / mate decided to fuck with my head....i have never been more confused / scared / disorientated / unsure in my entire life. It is fair to say that he too was far from sobre, but he was off tap. I wasn't sure if 1 minute he was trying to kiss me, then the next he was challenging me to step up, he would pause, wink and then laugh, only to go back to messing with my head..... and to make things worse, i was glued to the couch and all i could do was nod with a fucked up grin on my face ........talk about fucked up situation
later on that night i was sitting outside chatting and then wholey shit ....that's a frog, and damn it was...then 2, 3, 4, .....5 frogs, where are they coming from, I asked the sobre lady if she could see them and she assured me that they were indeed frogs ....then there were rats running around trying to steal food from the guinea pigs. I felt sad when a pellet gun was used in attempts to shoot the rats ...
I had a fun night, but if i could have it again i would chose not to have indulged in that smelly green shit.
I woke with no hangover though ( i had been drinking as well) and in accordance with what has been giong on in my head lately, there was no emo thoughts, so, given that it was 7 am on a fucking saurday i set about watching the dvd i had hired for myself the night prior, i had done this as my night was originally going to consist of me sitting by myself having an emo night with dvds and noone ...until my neighbours knocked on my door and told me not to be silly......anyway
so i put on blade trilogy, i like that movie and the whole vampire concept intrigues me, but fuck me, don't you just hate it when u get a rental dvd and the fucker is so scratched it won't play so very disappointed i decided to eat some breakfast, clean my teeth and go out on a mission to crazy clarkes (similar to a dollar store) to get some shit that i need for my place. I got a great deal on wooden clothes pegs, a bottle opener, a spatula, and a serving spoon. it cost me about $6 for the lot ...not bad
The thing that cuts me up though is the fact that i went out specifically looking for clothes hangers ...i thought for sure that crazy clarkes would have some, but no ...then i went to k-mart, i was getting desperate ...NONONON
......i couldn't find any hangers anywhere, i guess the floor will have to continue to suffice until i find out where the fuck i can get hangers.
nothing else in my mind at the moment
oh yeah, i paid $565 for a return trip home to brisbane this week ...the hookup hopefully is gonna be fun
Stay excellent
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrgh......................i am gettting faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat....
ok, i know i am a little vein ...who isn't, but i have put on 9 kg in the past 2 months ......wholey fucking fatman batman ....that's right, so, conscious decision made, gonna eat healthy, join a gym, start running, this is rediclous
From this point in time, until further notice the place i currently live in shall be known for all intensive purposes as BumFuck Nowhere
In Bumfuck nowhere the locals have no teeth, are rednecks and like to fight. A lady i work with (we will call her, work lady) has a daughter in a wheel chair ( we will call her, wheely). Last week, work lady told me how on friday night she got a call at 1.30 in the morning to go and save wheely. Why i hear you ask, the answer is simple, some fucking bitch was picking a fight with wheely. wheely is a nice girl who doesn't say or do anything to offend anyone and she is incapable of defending herself if she needs to ....long story short, office lady stepped up and was prepared to rumble, but it wasn't required ... that is what goes on in bumfuck nowhere, people pick on the weak.
Last night was a very, very fucked up experience .... i got fucked up with my new neighbours ....who coincidently have no front teeth, but that is another story ...back to it
choices are what make us who we are and last night, although i knew better i chose to partake in some "incence burning".
the neighbours...or more specifically, the neighbours boss / mate decided to fuck with my head....i have never been more confused / scared / disorientated / unsure in my entire life. It is fair to say that he too was far from sobre, but he was off tap. I wasn't sure if 1 minute he was trying to kiss me, then the next he was challenging me to step up, he would pause, wink and then laugh, only to go back to messing with my head..... and to make things worse, i was glued to the couch and all i could do was nod with a fucked up grin on my face ........talk about fucked up situation
later on that night i was sitting outside chatting and then wholey shit ....that's a frog, and damn it was...then 2, 3, 4, .....5 frogs, where are they coming from, I asked the sobre lady if she could see them and she assured me that they were indeed frogs ....then there were rats running around trying to steal food from the guinea pigs. I felt sad when a pellet gun was used in attempts to shoot the rats ...
I had a fun night, but if i could have it again i would chose not to have indulged in that smelly green shit.
I woke with no hangover though ( i had been drinking as well) and in accordance with what has been giong on in my head lately, there was no emo thoughts, so, given that it was 7 am on a fucking saurday i set about watching the dvd i had hired for myself the night prior, i had done this as my night was originally going to consist of me sitting by myself having an emo night with dvds and noone ...until my neighbours knocked on my door and told me not to be silly......anyway
so i put on blade trilogy, i like that movie and the whole vampire concept intrigues me, but fuck me, don't you just hate it when u get a rental dvd and the fucker is so scratched it won't play so very disappointed i decided to eat some breakfast, clean my teeth and go out on a mission to crazy clarkes (similar to a dollar store) to get some shit that i need for my place. I got a great deal on wooden clothes pegs, a bottle opener, a spatula, and a serving spoon. it cost me about $6 for the lot ...not bad
The thing that cuts me up though is the fact that i went out specifically looking for clothes hangers ...i thought for sure that crazy clarkes would have some, but no ...then i went to k-mart, i was getting desperate ...NONONON

nothing else in my mind at the moment
oh yeah, i paid $565 for a return trip home to brisbane this week ...the hookup hopefully is gonna be fun
Stay excellent
hopefully there'll be a vast improvement on last season.Couldnt get much worse eh
Fuck that shit, I say slaughter the whole town every man-jack of 'em.