still no toilet paper in the house....eeew.
my dog got all alpha-female on brox the pit bull last night and growled her face off at him, but still played a lot. brox has balls. utah gets a little excited at boys with balls.
i repeirced my ears with a sterile thumbtack a month ago and the holes get all crusted up. the crust smells like dog barf. is this bad?
i really want good passionate sex......come to me.
my dog got all alpha-female on brox the pit bull last night and growled her face off at him, but still played a lot. brox has balls. utah gets a little excited at boys with balls.
i repeirced my ears with a sterile thumbtack a month ago and the holes get all crusted up. the crust smells like dog barf. is this bad?
i really want good passionate sex......come to me.
Do you know about the Azaria Chamberlin case?
"A dingoes' got my bay-bee!"
They don't bark like regular dogs
Sleater Kinney is playing in Sydney next week, Fri 13th!!
i like the new pic! very modern art... or something....