I'm just a member but I wanna participate too :p I'm not good at blogging with amazing words but hope it makes sense to y'all
This @bloghomework by @rambo & @missy SG staff was pretty easy for me.
Let me tell y'all a lil something about me growing up before I get into my first kiss. For those of you who are just now reading this as my followers already know about me, I am currently Female transitioning to Male tho you probably already thought I'm a guy as in my photos which is a good thing cuz that's who I am. Back to what I am trying to say, in my early childhood years I knew I was a boy and meant to have crushes on girls. I wanted to impress girls make them like me back in return tho it never worked bc I obviously looked like a girl growing up :( I always wanted to do what my brothers did. I felt jealous bc they are lucky to have a body they are meant to be in..like I would steal my older brothers clothes especially the ones he never wore anymore bc my mother refused to buy me any boy clothes as she always said "you're just a tomboy like I was growing up" blah blah blah -_- even up till today my family still doesn't accept me going thru transitioning.