So I got my wisdom teeth out finally. The surgery went well. Having to be admitted to the hospital at 6am was not fun. I almost ended up going alone since it was so early and husband works nights. (they bumped up the surgery by two hours at last minute). Alas, I didn't have to go alone. They had a hard time reading my blood pressure from the machine so they decided to put an "art line" in. A lovely monitor they put in the artery in your wrist. Of course they started discussing this when I was still awake and UNsedated. At that point, I started to hear my heart monitor beep faster and faster. The nurses realized I understood what they were saying and quickly got me sedated by gas. They put the monitor in while I was still awake and barely sedated. Surprisingly it didn't hurt that bad. All of a sudden I was unconscious. I remember someone yelling my name loudly and I woke up from a deep sleep. Going into the recovery room I hear them say I woke up from the surgery smiling. 4 days later, I'm still really puffy, but no bruising just yet... 
This morning as we were running errands I see my husband standing by the car taking pictures of the neighbour's house. I look up and what do I see? A little raccoon peeking down at me. It was so adorable! Of course he had a little bit of a photo shoot after we discovered him.

This morning as we were running errands I see my husband standing by the car taking pictures of the neighbour's house. I look up and what do I see? A little raccoon peeking down at me. It was so adorable! Of course he had a little bit of a photo shoot after we discovered him.