There are going to be a lot of goodbyes in this next month, I'm not looking forward to any of them. Hopefully this one tonight will be the hardest.
I just got an email from my sister in law. she was young and had a baby 2 years ago with someone who has abused her. She and her family(my in-laws) became estranged shortly after. However, I was the one who was the most supportive during her pregnancy and we still continued to talk to this day. We don't talk much but it's a lot more than anyone else. I haven't been rude to her. I haven't insulted her. I haven't disrespected her.
In this email tonight she said that she hopes that I don't take offense but she is making her facebook "go completely Private from people who don't want anything to do with" her. I know that she means that she doesn't want to keep me as a 'friend' because it may get back to her step mom, dad, and brothers. but you know what?! Why am I getting punished for still being there for her? I guess I should maybe add she is almost 9 months pregnant with her second child. I feel like she is taking my new nephew away from me, when I haven't done anything wrong.
Now I keep asking myself, why did I keep her as a friend when she wasn't exactly nice to me. 4 months after my first miscarriage she calls me and says in one breath,one sentence "oh I'm sorry about your miscarriage, I just wanted to tell you I'm 3 months along". whatever, I guess it doesn't always pay to be a caring person.