oops, guess it's been a while since I've updated.
October was a bit of a crazy month with lots of up's and down's but the end of the month was fantastic!
some of the great/not so great highlights:
-sent off the signed, notarized papers to get the deed to our new land registered.
-found out that said papers got lost in the mail and now have to restart that process all over again.
-good friend got married/father in law ended up in the hospital at the same time-literally.
-my father in law had anywhere between 2 to 10 heart attacks. he had 2 for sure, but probably had 8 mini ones before he got medical attention.
-one heart attack actually stopped his heart and they had to use the paddles to bring him back. scary considering he is only 51! he was proud of the burn marks the paddles left.
-I was put in charge to find social services for him (no job+expensive meds=major help needed)
-he refused to see the hospital social worker because he said he has me to get the ball going.
-father in law had major heart surgery, found that he had a 90% blockage in one of his artery's a metal mesh tube was then placed in the artery.
-lost my recently new Kodak camera.
- cleaned father in law's house, and painted his living room.
-got my father in law home.
- hubby and I paid $800.00 for Father in law's medications with no appreciation from him and then we heard he wasn't happy with the colour we painted (light blue vs grey)
-Hubby had a major panic attack(first one ever)
-hubby went on to have 6 more panic attacks......in 24 hours
-got prank called during one of hubby's panic attack. (we would of laughed about it at any other time, it just was hella creepy to hear to craziest stalker voice use my and hubby's actual name during this call).news story of the creepy prank call
-got hubby's panic attack's settled and figured out. I.E. got him meds.
-applied for a full time position at my agency.
-worked a really crazy shift with tons appointments to attend, found out an hour into my shift that i have an interview in less then an hour. my boss covered for me, i rushed out to the head office only to get lost on the way, then making me late. I show up and have the stupidest 5 MINUTE interview. "so there are going to be changes in the agency how do you feel about that?" that is all that was asked....
-got a phone call Oct. 28th... GOT THE JOB!!!!
.....found out I start Nov 1st.
all I have to say is this job promotion couldn't of come at a better time. it's a lot more money then I was making before but the responsibilities are a lot different too. More work to be done. I have waited for 4.5 years for this position (not to mention the 3 other times I almost got it, complete with job offer but someone "grieved it" with the union). My first day went well, the teens seem to be pretty excited to have me as full time (as the teens and all my co-workers say "FINALLY!!!!")
one more note. I am NOT looking forward to Tuesday the 4th. I have restraint training for 8 hours. I fucking HATE restraint training. We never use restraints, we're actually not allowed to use any(thankfully), but can use it if death is imminent. "Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviours"
October was a bit of a crazy month with lots of up's and down's but the end of the month was fantastic!
some of the great/not so great highlights:
-sent off the signed, notarized papers to get the deed to our new land registered.
-found out that said papers got lost in the mail and now have to restart that process all over again.
-good friend got married/father in law ended up in the hospital at the same time-literally.
-my father in law had anywhere between 2 to 10 heart attacks. he had 2 for sure, but probably had 8 mini ones before he got medical attention.
-one heart attack actually stopped his heart and they had to use the paddles to bring him back. scary considering he is only 51! he was proud of the burn marks the paddles left.
-I was put in charge to find social services for him (no job+expensive meds=major help needed)
-he refused to see the hospital social worker because he said he has me to get the ball going.
-father in law had major heart surgery, found that he had a 90% blockage in one of his artery's a metal mesh tube was then placed in the artery.
-lost my recently new Kodak camera.
- cleaned father in law's house, and painted his living room.
-got my father in law home.
- hubby and I paid $800.00 for Father in law's medications with no appreciation from him and then we heard he wasn't happy with the colour we painted (light blue vs grey)
-Hubby had a major panic attack(first one ever)
-hubby went on to have 6 more panic attacks......in 24 hours
-got prank called during one of hubby's panic attack. (we would of laughed about it at any other time, it just was hella creepy to hear to craziest stalker voice use my and hubby's actual name during this call).news story of the creepy prank call
-got hubby's panic attack's settled and figured out. I.E. got him meds.
-applied for a full time position at my agency.
-worked a really crazy shift with tons appointments to attend, found out an hour into my shift that i have an interview in less then an hour. my boss covered for me, i rushed out to the head office only to get lost on the way, then making me late. I show up and have the stupidest 5 MINUTE interview. "so there are going to be changes in the agency how do you feel about that?" that is all that was asked....

-got a phone call Oct. 28th... GOT THE JOB!!!!

all I have to say is this job promotion couldn't of come at a better time. it's a lot more money then I was making before but the responsibilities are a lot different too. More work to be done. I have waited for 4.5 years for this position (not to mention the 3 other times I almost got it, complete with job offer but someone "grieved it" with the union). My first day went well, the teens seem to be pretty excited to have me as full time (as the teens and all my co-workers say "FINALLY!!!!")
one more note. I am NOT looking forward to Tuesday the 4th. I have restraint training for 8 hours. I fucking HATE restraint training. We never use restraints, we're actually not allowed to use any(thankfully), but can use it if death is imminent. "Prevention and Management of Aggressive Behaviours"