hello all!!
birthday weekend was a fun one. my hubby treated me to a nice lunch and then took me to get my hair done.
later that night, we met up with some of our friends for drinks. ended up venting about an upcoming wedding of one of our friends-(they've been together for about a year and got engaged 6 weeks after they met) Tequila was my friend for the evening. When we got home, we stayed up for a few minutes and then went to bed. We hear frantic pounding on our door- for a minute straight. Hubby runs downstairs and it's the neighbour.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)all i could hear is "someone in your car, door open, THERE HE IS!" I hear my hubby run out the door and peel out of the parking spot. I calmly get dressed and call the police. I then go outside to see where our car was parked. what do I see? parts of our radio and the control cover laying on the street... oh great, our stereo is gone. I see no glass though. no need to replace the window for the second time in a week! I took a pic of the stuff on the street

and then pick it up to put it on our front porch. I don't want anyone to run over it if it could be put back on. I hear a car speed up and I realize its my hubby coming back. he gets out of the car and says "call the police I caught the fucker". he got the stereo back. a minute later our neighbour pulled back in and says she lost him. my hubby says don't worry I got him. the police was telephoned back. then my hubby tells me how he got the guy. he was driving down the streets and i guess the thief ducked into an alley way, He thought if I were a thief, where I would I go? he went down an alley. he saw someone walking. he stops and yells. "have you seen some punk in a black hoodie and white hat?" they guy turns around and looks at my hubby. IT'S HIM! and he has our radio in his hand!!!! my hubby throws the car in park and grabs his steering wheel club and pulls it apart. the guy is freaked. my hubby is yelling at the guy "give me back my stuff, what else did you take?" he gives my hubby back the radio and runs off. the guys looks like he is cranked on something, his eyes bulging out of his head. as my hubby gets back to the house, he looks for more items taken. but then he notices something..... a wallet....the thief's WALLET! what an Idiot!!!! we have his name and address now. not like we'll be doing anything with it but still..... apparently the thief got into our car and when our neighbour found him in it, he got out, LOCKED THE DAMN CAR DOOR and calmly walked away...... who the fuck does that?! we're glad my hubby got him when he did becuase he was almost home.... as my hubby says "who shits in their backyard?" the police came out, we gave them his wallet. but they said "there could still be many outs for him"/reasons why it was there. oh well whatever.
Saturday: bro in law came over, tried to get us to give him the address of the fucker in need of a darwin award. we didn't. off we go to visit family. had to find sensible shoes for the wedding and then out for dinner. came home and went to bed. no one fucked with our car all night.
Sunday: up early, picked up my hubby's suit, got some jewelery, cleaned the car and off to get ready for the wedding. a lot of bad feelings first emerged since hubby and a few other friends were initially asked to be in the wedding party but then was never told they weren't and got replaced by people the groom has known for only a few months- best man included! ceremony was nice but a little odd, a traditional ceremony with a native blessing, stone ceremony, rose ceremony, candle ceremony and a sand ceremony. 
the reception was gorgeous and very elaborate. I guess it helps that the bride is in the wedding business so she got a lot of favours and deals. the decor was grand, the food was spectactular, and my favorite OPEN BAR. the downside, it was on a sunday. ah who care... it's an OPEN BAR! lol
the reception was good. more drama between friends ensued, but me sticking up for my hubby opened up the door for healing and got the groom and him and the bride to talk it out. in the end, things are better.