hello SG land hope everyones doing well and ready for the weekend :-),well the rain finally got here and looks like its gena be here all weekend to just my luck its the weekend i have the nieces and nephew but thats not gena stop me from being super uncle lol, its gena be 3 days of movies and bakeing and all around crazyness.

Have fun :D sounds like a good time!
i will, iv been looking forword to this for weeks.

fuck has it really bin that long sence iv logged on here everythings all changed lol

i like the new look but now im so lost.....well more then normal hahaha

sup everyone out there in SG land hows every body doing.all good i hope

its bin awhile thayv bin trying out new shifts at work so its bin crazy like thay were makeing up that shit on the

spot lol but now im back at my regular time so now i can come on here and catch up with all u fine folks and drop...
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hello SG land bin gone for what seems to be a long as time lol, shit kinda hit the fan over here so my summers bin touch and go but things are finally getting back to normal soo how has everyone bin doing haveing good summers i hope
fuck thank god its friday im sick of work wish i can sleep the whole weekend but got a lit of house chores as long as my arm frown
I have work in 8 hours and I can't sleep, wish I had a day off tongue
holy shit havent bin here in a wile fuck works bin non stop it seems lol, anyway hows everyone bin doing hows all of ur weekends bin going?
Been a good, family-filled weekend for me smile Even did some unrelated socializing--super rare!
lets see havent bin on to much lately bin sick the last few days plus im back at work so im pretty bizzy these days but ill try to keep up with the going ons here when i can
kicking it old school this weekend nothing but 90s rock and that gangsta shit hahahah
thanks for the add biggrin
hello SG land hope you all have a good. im heading out to hollywood for jeff hannemens memorial celebration