whats up SG land its bin awhile sense the last time iv wrote like a month or maybe two witch sucks cuz i love this community and wana be more active but shit happens and next thing u know its two months later and its like FUCK i missed a lot of shit lol.
anyway lets see whats bin going on well theres works its bin kinda sucky but who cares about that,oh some of my friends are pissed off at me over some stupid ass shit well i think its stupid but they seem to take some dumb ass attempting to comit suicide more serious then i do and it ended in a huge argument witch i won by the way (yes i did keep score) the whole thing was just dumb so yha there not hanging out with me at the moment witch i fine by me ill go watch the new ninja turtles movie my damn self lol.
lets see oh in game news i just got the last of us for PS4 and yha its as awesome as they say it looks fantastic and the story is fucken great so if u have a PS 3 or 4 and havnt played it what the fuck u waiting for.its definitely gena tide me over till destiny comes out and i can go online and blast mo'fuckz again hahahaha.
ok now for some important stuff so for anyone who doesnt know the new sword art online is out witch i was kinda excited about it but now im not so sure now i know its still early but im not really filling it with this one it just dont got that appeal like the first one did but ill wait and see if it picks up i hope it dose.
ok well i dont know what else to write about im pretty high right now cuz i have the day off so all iv done today is smoke alot of weed and said fuck it im gena write a some what of a blog of whats bin going on theres other shit but fuck it this seems long enough lol.
so till next time and i promise it wont take as long lol ok SG land u all have a great weekend and remember ELE