ugh i'm on my way out the door again on another packed day of shit to do....... but i need to get somehting out- i feeeeeel like shit. i'm always tired, my throat is always swollen and hurts so bad when i swallow!!
back in pa i went to several doctors that had no answers but i'm soooooooooooo over it. every single day it's a pain that never quits. it aches in my jaw and under my tounge!! ugh!!! i just got insurance and don't know if i should go to another dr. so they can all tell me the same dumb shit-more blood tests, more tests, no answers. i'm sooooooooo over it. maybe a natropath?? so tired of suffering every day! blah

Mini house party at hypnogogic's Saturday night? Free music and cheap liquor if we bring our own. What do you think?
Oh wait... I forgot, you don't drink. But that's even better!