aaghh!! alas. . . I have arrived at my new destination in Mt. Hood, OR. Sunny and sick just about every day!! Lovin' it! It only took me about 6 days of driving to get here (that includes the day that my car was broken down in NE) How shitty is that. I have a honda too and i got it checked , but never the less>> the bitch just about broke down. I could feel grinding going on so i stopped and got it checked and yup!!!!! it was my tranni
So 900$ dollars later
i'm back on the road! After this trip and my many other crazy experiences along the way i'm a convinced and firm believer that everything in this life happens for a reason!! My being stuck in ohmaha, was def. a crazy reality check and it showed me how many people care about me in my life. I wish that i could have written more in my regular journal, but for some reason just had no intrest! hmmmmm...... but anyways anyone that ever had a desire to drive from coast to coast i would strongly recommend the trip!!!!! This country is beautiful and there is soooooo much too see!! Well i'm starting work today and guess i should be goinig! bubye!
so...any word on moving to Portland? Or have you settled down in Mt. Hood OR now?