hmmmmmmmm........ where do i begin?? I just finished a book last night called, "the perks of being a wallflower"
regardless of the fact i thnk it's more geared towards teens, it was a great book. but it made me take a step back and look at my life and think what the fuck is going on? What am I doing, where am I going? Do I wanna go back to school, back to oregon? It's crazy when fucked up things happen to you in your life and it makes you take a step back and reanalize the situation....... which doesn't get you anywhere but confused.......
regardless of the fact i thnk it's more geared towards teens, it was a great book. but it made me take a step back and look at my life and think what the fuck is going on? What am I doing, where am I going? Do I wanna go back to school, back to oregon? It's crazy when fucked up things happen to you in your life and it makes you take a step back and reanalize the situation....... which doesn't get you anywhere but confused.......

Yeah, it was definitely good times. I'm glad we got to kick it properly. I'll let you know when I'm next in Philly. Take care darlin'. . . *mwah*.
Back to Oregon. Yep, that's the ticket.