hmmmmmmmm........ where do i begin?? I just finished a book last night called, "the perks of being a wallflower"
regardless of the fact i thnk it's more geared towards teens, it was a great book. but it made me take a step back and look at my life and think what the fuck is going on? What am I doing, where am I going? Do...
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regardless of the fact i thnk it's more geared towards teens, it was a great book. but it made me take a step back and look at my life and think what the fuck is going on? What am I doing, where am I going? Do...
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Yeah, it was definitely good times. I'm glad we got to kick it properly. I'll let you know when I'm next in Philly. Take care darlin'. . . *mwah*.
Back to Oregon. Yep, that's the ticket.
So im back on the east coast........ and I sit on the computer.....ahhahaah.... i can see where the continuation of my recovering is gonna be continued ....... in front of the computer!!

Where did you go on Saturday? We came back at 12:30 and tried to call you, but you didn't answer. I tried again on Sunday, no answer.

Happy Thanksgiving
my birfday's on tuesday bitches i better see everyone there!!! last year was so much fun and i haven't seen boobies in a minute! AND I'M MOVING BACK TO PA ON NOVEMBER 16TH!!!!! WTF!!!

sorry i missed your birthday...forgive me? hope you had a great time out though.

Hehee. I married a Canadian! It's not that hard this way, but I didn't come legally either. I have to fill out all my paperwork and get sponsored and all. We're staying at the inlaws house too, which makes things easy since I can't work for nine months.
ugh....... I only wish that I could write work sucked today ......... but I'm not working..... I decided it would be a real fun idea to jump 80 feet off a cliff into a waterfall........ unknown to me.......... i would hit the water wrong and break 3 vertebre, burst another, break my tailbone, pop a lung and almost die!!!! Fuckin sweet huh......... so an ambulance...
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That is just amazing that you lived.
good luck with recovery, you are pretty tenacious I must say!

I need to come up and hang with you soon!
work suuuuuuucked today........ ugh! so glad to be done and looking forward to my next days off !!!
Sorry to hear that you got fucked up. I hope things work out good in the end and that your healing goes well.
Best wishes

Best wishes

I shattered a vertabrae and only fell on my ass!
Shit sucks. It's been four months and I still have some pretty decent pain.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Shit sucks. It's been four months and I still have some pretty decent pain.
Hope you have a speedy recovery.
Sexxin' it up at the prom......... but even when we were in "sunny" CA it was fuckin' rainin' ! Kinda over the crap weather........ was supposed to be rafting today but mother nature decided otherwise. So here i sit being emo kid on the computer............. but it's all good.
aren't we cute! ugh can't figure out how to size down my pix
!! i hate...
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aren't we cute! ugh can't figure out how to size down my pix
!! i hate...
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you coming into town tomorrow night?
Hey, good to see you! We'll have to shorten these intervals between our hangouts
Have fun the rest of the weekend, or are you already back in the hills?

awwwwww....... shit...... who won a playstation portable at the prom booty shakin' contest mu' fuckaz!! yea!! SF was awesome ....... prom was so- so......except for my awesome win and getting to play dress up with genericproffesor who was rockin' a 1500 dolla suit yo..... we were straight thuggin' hahahah

such a talent!
miss you loverly girl
miss you loverly girl
mr_rick: seems i have joined another myspace page. this new layout sucks and its totally copied from myspace. its actually a little harder to manuver through than myspace. so i have decided that my time on SG is coming to a close. why pay for a suedo-myspace when i can get it for free from the source. i will be trying to contact each of my wonderful friends individually, so you can decide to continue our chats or to quietly let me go into the vast beyond. it has been fun here...but my time is done.
avast ye swabs!!!!
please contact me at my myspace page....
avast ye swabs!!!!
please contact me at my myspace page....

stomach flu and period's suck

ack!!! at the same time??? im sorry hun! hope you feel better quite soon and are able to go out and have some fun.

Gad you felt well enough to attend prom. Congrats again on your win 

Just got back from an amazing road trip.... 12 days of hiking and exploring beautiful america's nationaly parks. Every time i take a trip like this i marvel at the mysteries of the world. In addition to conquering my fear of heights i think i just may have conquered my fear of falling in love
how much more could one ask for? Oh yea and...
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how much more could one ask for? Oh yea and...
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Wicked tatoo!!
ps thats sounds like an awesome 12 days
ps thats sounds like an awesome 12 days

fear of heights!!!!????? what the fuck you doin jumpin off cliffs then silly chica!!
yay for road trips! 12 day ones at that! i'm officially on vacation.................again
see you all when i get back. i don't believe it's fucking snowing light dry fluffy snow and i'm leaving! wtf! oh well! mwah
see you all when i get back. i don't believe it's fucking snowing light dry fluffy snow and i'm leaving! wtf! oh well! mwah
yeah, should be all moved by the first week of may... i'll deifnitely let you knjow when i'm in town!
agh! just got back from an oh-so -exciting trip to shweizer in ID. From strippers, leather belt whipping, awesome shredding, and streamy shower sessions- what a freakin' blast! It's trips like this one that make me not ever want to grow up. Just work a half ass job and travel all around with my friends having fun! I'm only working for the next 4 days...
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yay!!!!! i finally got my car back from the boulder hitting it! It's like new...... now everyone wish me luck that i can drive it for like at leaast 6 mos. this time without some force of nature or asshole doing major damage! i'm sure my insurance company is over me anyway! They know my # on the caller id when i call-- wtf is...
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F Stevens pass. Alpental at Snoqualmie pass is the best ever! Chair 2 to the backcountry will blow your mind. Oh how I miss it so.
yo before I forget, to spoil the backmasked delight your looking for answers to...on 'Empty Spaces' on disc 2 if you play the one segment backwards, "Congratulations, you've found the secret message. Please send your responses to Old Pink, care of the funny farm."
And that s that! See you soon doll!
And that s that! See you soon doll!