Well let's see here-off of work, yay. I had a fairly good day today. Boss's weren't assholes, co-worker bought me dinner, roomates were nice and helped me fix my shower rod, was completely stormy and gorgeous out, so not a lot to complain about today, hooray. I am very sad that I missed Slipknot because of work though
I'm having a block on my novel right now but I will get back to it. I still have some kinks to work out. So let's see here....damn, maybe this is why my life usually sucks(I usually have more to talk about) because when things go wrong I get inspiration and my creative juices and non-creative juices flowing. haha. So I guess since that's all for now, ta-ta for now! Love to you all-Michelle

good to see you missus michelle i missed you
.shame about the knot!