Hello. Just got home from work. No bitching about me leaving Saturday. haha. Stupid fucks. Anyways, let's see. Well I had a pretty good Easter. I was summoned to church because my whole family was going, but I kept busy taking care of my neice and nephew so I didn't have to listen to anyone's talks or anything, lol. I have this fucking splinter in my right index finger and I cannot for the life of me get it out. I may be able to leave my apartment as soon as May...possibly. Bon and I are going crazy with our roomates. They don't do shit, they've broken about 3 of my dishes that they never even wash as well as continuing to be loud when we have to get up early. Oh well. I'm really not a negative person although if you look at my journal entries about half of them have something negative. I suppose this is sort of like an outlet. Soo I'll say at least 1 good thing about everyday I guess. Hmmm....I got to wear jeans to one of my jobs because I won a blackjack game with my boss. lol. Alright, well I suppose that's all for now. October I'd love to hear from you soon! Bash I'm glad you feel honored, but really I'm not all that special, lol. Love to you all-Michelle
I enjoyed my easter because i saw my boy, but i also saw my dad for the first time in like 12 years, so it was weird and i didnt even say hi to him. sucker. aww, i love you too!
Glad you enjoyed the break god i would love to wear jeans to work being a tie boy.Have a good un im off for my car fixin,hair cuttin i,m off skin ed again!.Have a good week stop by my journy i,ve added some new piccys for you to swoon at!.love bash!