So I'm starting a new book. When I'm finished I will send it to numerous publishers and hope that someone sees something in it. I tend not to send some books out because I just don't think they are good enough. But I realized I just need to start sending them out, and if someone sees potential at least, then I can always edit it later. Anyways...had a pretty good weekend. I bought a gazelle(workout machine) and my calves are extremely sore, but I actually do like working out on it. I hate going to the gym and feeling like I'm being watched working out. So now I can do it naked in the privacy of my apartment, lol. I woke up this morning one minute til the alarm was supposed to go off...I do that often and it really pisses me off. It's like, my body tortures itself and won't let me sleep for one more damn minute. I even came into work 20 minutes early this morning so hopefully I can leave earlier this afternoon because I know I will be deathly tired. Yesterday I went out and about to do some shopping, and for the first time in a long time I was starting to get anxious for no reason, other then there were a lot of people around me. I'm just not the type to worry about things like that, so it was really tripping me out. I wonder if living alone is starting to have an affect on me that I'm not aware of. Okay well...that's about it for now. -Michelle

What kind of books do you write?