Hello world...is everyone sick of idiots on the road around the holidays? I know I am...I mean there's always stupid drivers out on the road, but for some reason, holidays always tend to make things 10000 worse. I really miss living with someone, it's hard living alone for me, anyways. I'm Aquarius so I know that I can become a hermit and I'm weird, but generally speaking I love getting to know and being with worthwhile people.
My Mom is flying up here on the 20th and staying til X-mas morning. Yay. I feel almost like nonexistent sometimes, maybe it's just the meds I'm on for my treatments, but I have a lot of out of body experiences where I feel like I'm watching myself do things and speaking but wondering if the words are coming out. Does anyone else experience that? All my love-Michelle

Anyways sounds like your Christmas is heading in the right direction. Maybe you will get to watch yourself open up presents come Chrismas morning if they keep you on those meds