also developed a crush on Tilda Swinton after watching Orlando and Constantine...
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Tuesday Oct 21, 2008
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Saturday Apr 15, 2006
moving to seaside oregon with livia, later to portland...with livia. … -
Wednesday May 25, 2005
A couple weeks ago Livia and I adopted a cute adorable cat...It took … -
Tuesday May 24, 2005
Does anyone know of any vintage photo sites? -
Tuesday May 17, 2005
so i really hope i get free dears tickets, if not there's always the … -
Wednesday May 11, 2005
Taking the spare time I have to read through the New York Times... an… -
Friday Apr 29, 2005
so it's that time of the year again! COACHELLA WEEKEND...i have no pl… -
Monday Apr 25, 2005
two somethings into my new art project and im really psyched, three d… -
Tuesday Mar 22, 2005 a bit of a mess right now....Jen left me.... i haven't … -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
I really need a new picture, maybe one that's clear. not too much…
Kinda funny - "Magic Circus" is like ONE of my favorites - i never noticed how creepy that black bear bunny guy in the foreground is!! Spooky!!
i'm so glad you got to see it!!!!!
I don't know if you're familiar with his piece "Just the Girls" but i'm getting the girl that's standing on the right side tattted on the back of my right arm next week
Good luck with selling your tickets and getting to all the stuff youve got planned - you sound like me!! My mom always laughs at me when i get stressed out and tells me that i've ALWAYS been like that: trying to fit everything in the same day and be everywhere at once!
oh well - talk to you soon
PS i was going to say - i think a while back you were asking if i had any artwork onlline?? i dont - sometime in the not so distant future i would love to do that but i'd like to produce some more "for me" artwork first!! so it's not like a "here's all my school projects" website
[Edited on Mar 11, 2005 12:18PM]