I'm going a little nuts here. At least I feel like I am, it might just be the frustration of J. So here's the ventellating rant. J and I have been going out for two years, two years of which I have been more than happy to say that I've loved sleeping with her, the sex is great, she agreess...here's the thing. She want's to start sleeping with other people. I knew she was bi when we started going out and as much as I understand that shes attracted to girls it doesnt mean that if she sleeps with anyone its not cheating... here's the ranting part, a couple months ago i said hell why not sleep with a girl, have some fun...and she did...one of my best friends as a matter of fact....in an ex-fling bestgirlfriend kinda way, so after that happend i discovered that though it seemed logical, J was happy, I wasn't threatened in my relationship, sex was still just as good...it hurt...it hurt like hell... we both agreed after taling about that, that it was over...(cept for that oneextra infedelity i guess...) now...now we're both busy, school and work...and she's starting to look around at other people, and she's starting to want to sleep around...she wants an open relationship, though at first only one open on her part...but i poke and pry and eventually she gives in and says, yeah, if i sleep around, i guess you can too...but for her to say that must kill her...shes giving in on it...and i still say no...im just wondering if this is going to get to the point where she says...the relationships worth it too, and gives up on that...
im dont ranting...i have a paper to write..something about "Family Values"
maybe I'll just take some pain killers and try to rub out the kinks in my shoulders and neck....
not to sound bitter about her, i love her and she can be really amazing...but why do i put up with this....
-the momentarily bitter R,
im dont ranting...i have a paper to write..something about "Family Values"
maybe I'll just take some pain killers and try to rub out the kinks in my shoulders and neck....
not to sound bitter about her, i love her and she can be really amazing...but why do i put up with this....
-the momentarily bitter R,
i dont understand how people can have open relationships. i have had friendships where sex was involved but i dont think either one of us was fooled that dating was going to happen. being in a real relationship is another story. at least for me it is. good luck to both of you.