i am beginning to think that my existence here is only meant to be alright. i would love to be "good" or "great". I am tired of things i love being ripped from me. On a good note.. work wasnt so bad today. it went by really fast. Bonnie, megan, and paul were really excited i was back. I like them alot but i dont love them like dex. so with that said.. i'll look for a new job and run just like i always do.
yay for me. I dreamt of Him last night AGAIN. oh well maybe someday i will let it go. for now... hot dreams about a guy i will never have again. I totally want the ticket for the 4 rock concerts in seattle.. damn that would be fun to see motley again.

AHHHHH 2 more months!!! I want me som humbow! you better be takin me!