OMG.. saw "Be Cool" today. FUNNY SHIT. there are some beautiful yummy tasty..(i could go on forever with the adjectives)black men in that movie. Vince Vaughn, my secret lover, was friggin funny too.oooohhh dex, the rock is in it too. He plays a gay man. had me peein myself laughin so hard. oooh and he is topless in it.. dressed in a grass skirt.. mmm hawaiian.... hehehehe

I love that movie, i swear ive seen it like 4 times since it's been out of the theaters (we saw it in theaters too!) yeah the rock, not so much hotness in that movie, but SOOOOOO hilarrious!
twinkle twinkle baby, twinkle twinkle
[Edited on Jun 12, 2005 9:54AM]