Thanks to everyone who left their comments, and who kept me/Houston in their prayers....looks like it worked because the Hurricane practically missed us completely....I didn't even lose power! My parents lost power for 12 hours, so that sucks for them, but thats what they get for living in Suburbia! The whole thing was rather anti-climactic, I mean, after the absolute PANIC, the chaos the city of Houston and surrounding areas were in for 4-5 days, you would expect a little bigger of a finale...Don't get me wrong, by no means am I sad that there wasnt' a big bad storm, but now, in retro-speck, I was one of the few who stayed in town, because I felt it was more panic-driven due to Katrina, than anything....When all is said and done, I've got a shit-load of cleaning to do know, but I also have the oppertunity to re-arrange my furniture, now that it's all strewn about....I think I'm gonna make a t-shirt that says; Rita, I've seen worse fire drills.....But I'll have to wait and see the final damage tally in order to know if that's "PC" or not.....
.....All in all, thanks to everyone for keeping me in their thoughts!
.....All in all, thanks to everyone for keeping me in their thoughts!
not bragging just tryin to elaborate on the truth......
that weed was goooooooooooooooooooooooood
*scratches head*