I'm bored. I'm so bored with everything right now. I'm sick of my job, I feel really put out about even having to go. Now I know this sounds normal to most people, but my job is different. I only work 3 nights a week, throwing a party really, so I shouldn't bitch about it...but I am...I miss my ex like crazy, I'm thinking about giving him another chance...I can understand that after a year in jail, he got out and after our first fight, he freaked a little, not knowing how to handle all these emotions sober...I dunno...I miss him, and I waited a year for him, maybe I need to quite thinking everything is going to be perfect and accept the fact that no relationship is perfect....I do think I need to find a new job though....
Re-read you post and think about how it sounds. I mean if you wan't him fine but be honest with yourself. I bet you just hate to lose (or fail or whatever). Good luck with the job hunt.