Ugh, I don't know what it is about being in a relationship, that makes me feel and act like I'm in highschool again....I am the most laid back individual, but when it comes to my guy, the tone of his voice changing, him having to get up early and not staying w/ me, him forgetting his b-day card at my house, I turn into such a drama queen! I can't stand it! Now, granted, this weekend I was PMS'ing uber hard, but c'mon, gimme a break, if I break down and cry at another karaoke night cause some fat chick sings a half assed attempt at Alicia Keys "fallin", I'm gonna shoot myself in the face...Seriously, at 26, I would hope that the drama queen in me would have found a way to chill out, but I guess not....Not that I don't have a valid reason for being a spazz, but I just wish I could get my emotions under control, especially this time of month, it's so unfair, and guys think we're all fucking crazy, but seriously, it is outta my control...I wonder if I had my ovaries removed if that may help things?
Heh heh, that makes me laugh. Being a pisces, I don't think I will ever get my emotions "under control." My boy, being a "Men-Don't-Show-Emotions-What-Are-Emotions" kind of man, doesn't understand. Sigh.
There isn't much I can say that won't get me in trouble...but I can say this. Most guys know y'all will flip out every once in awhile. It happens and it passes. That's just how things are whether we understand it or not.