So, this year so far is bringing a lot of new and good things so far. First off, my boy is home, and I get to talk to him whenever I want, and see him way more often. This is good. Secondly, I'm getting my breast augmentation on Jan 24th. This is something I had been looking into doing for a number of years now, and finally just said, what the hell, and saved up and scheduled it. This is good too, however I am incredibly nervous...don't really know why, it's not the anesthesea, not really the surgury itself, not really the recovery, just nervous about the whole big change aspect of it. Another thing, that is good, well, good for myself and all of the bar staff, but bad for the manager, is the bar manager got fired. There will be much rejoicing and so much less bitching in the club now. Yay for '05!

but erm
before and after shots? or at least before. cus im really wondering why you need them
oh congrats about getting your bitch of a boss off yer back permanently
ps your board posts are way amusing at times