annoyed.....mucho fucking hate when people you 'know' turn out to be close-minded and judgemental, and can't be shown the stupidity of their views....
More Blogs
Tuesday Apr 19, 2005
I cut my leg open. It's pretty deep. Should I get stiches, or just … -
Monday Apr 11, 2005
I used to pride myself on the fact that I never made the same mistake… -
Friday Apr 08, 2005
I'm so horny I don't know what to do with myself. -
Thursday Apr 07, 2005
K, so I hate to admit this...but I've been soooo down lately, down to… -
Friday Apr 01, 2005
K, so I am soooooo over bitching about my ex. He's a selfish coward,… -
Saturday Mar 26, 2005
Ok, so I'm doing a bit better...not much. I'm still in shock about ca… -
Sunday Mar 20, 2005
Ok, so I'm doing a bit better...not much. I'm still in shock about c… -
Thursday Mar 17, 2005
So, I'm with the guy for 3 years, 1 of which is me sticking diligentl… -
Tuesday Mar 15, 2005
God, I am such an idiot. So, I'm with the guy off and on for two yea… -
Wednesday Mar 09, 2005
Ugh, I don't know what it is about being in a relationship, that mak…
damn it's cold 2nite