helllooooo.....sooo....it's totally christmas time....i'm excited this year, actually...not only do I have a good(ish) job and can acutally buy presents this year, (last year I couldn't, I won't even tell what weak act I had to do in lieu of gifts), but I also have a new boy to buy for.....and be boughten for, lol!......Things are good...School, new job, new boy, and new inkage on the way....I'm too excited for the upcoming month.....Ooooh, and in January I will be heading to Austin for the Star of Texas tattoo convention....YE-AAAAAAH!!!!

I got a new job too, its with a marketing start-up. It looks like it may go big over night so im hoping it will. I was unemployed for a year, loafing around. But things are back on track. Yeah i figured you would get tired of the bar thing, my cousin was a bartender for a long time, and then took over management for the entire restraunt. He said it was nice not having drunk assholes whine about their lives all day. anyway glad to hear everything is good with the boy and holidays
btw did you do something with ur hair it looks great. I though in ur old pro pic it was blond?