OK! OK!! I'll update my journal!! Well, not much going on in my life, just getting ready to leave this horrible state and never come back. I can not wait to get back to Mass! I miss that boston accent! Then my sorry ass is finally going to college, don't ask why i waited 4 years it's a long story. I'm gonna go to school in Rochester NY if anyone is from there give me a shout and tell me how it is over there. Oh, also I'm thinking about getting another tat this weekend and........i'm gonna start training my hair for the ultimate pompedour!!!! I can't wait!! Anywho, that's about it just trying to find a good show to go to before i leave (good shows happen few and far between in seattle). And that's all she wrote

Hey, get any info you want here http://www.wbcn.com/. You can even buy tickets online. I can't say for sure if I'll be there. It falls during my portfolio review week. Bummer. I'll do my best though! As for fucking shit up in the moshpit, usually I sustain injuries rather than inflicting them.
Hey, at least you weren't a girl with a bowl cut! Yea, tickets go on sale tomorrow! I'm going to get one, but I may have to sell it if I have to much work : (