Well been working at Torrid and Im LOVING IT!!!!!!!!! I like the people I work with, and I'm doing really good with sales and learning everything. This is a company I want to stay with for a while, if not a long time.
Went to the Orange County Fair again on Friday with 2 of my best friends, Tawny and David, and my friend Im seeing, Ethan. We went and saw "Extreme Rodeo" like what was in Jackass 2. It was fuckin hilarioussssss!!! Hooray for drunk cowboys doing stupid shit!!!!!! There were even midget bullfighters, lol. Oh my good times!!!! Heres some pix I took from that night.....
The 3 amigos, Me, Tawny and David
Me being a dork
Me and Tawny
Me and David
David eating Tawny's Kettlecorn
Me looking shocked about somthing....
Me and my cutie Ethan doing an impression of George W Bush
Oh yeah, heres a hilarious creepy video I took with my cell phone camera on July 4th at the Bondage Ball I went to in Hollywood.

Went to the Orange County Fair again on Friday with 2 of my best friends, Tawny and David, and my friend Im seeing, Ethan. We went and saw "Extreme Rodeo" like what was in Jackass 2. It was fuckin hilarioussssss!!! Hooray for drunk cowboys doing stupid shit!!!!!! There were even midget bullfighters, lol. Oh my good times!!!! Heres some pix I took from that night.....

The 3 amigos, Me, Tawny and David

Me being a dork

Me and Tawny

Me and David

David eating Tawny's Kettlecorn

Me looking shocked about somthing....

Me and my cutie Ethan doing an impression of George W Bush

Oh yeah, heres a hilarious creepy video I took with my cell phone camera on July 4th at the Bondage Ball I went to in Hollywood.
Torrid is the place to be lil lady!

I love Torrid!...I tried to get a job there once, but they didnt want me, oh well...Im glad your back girl!!