Ok, I'll first announce that I am declaring myself single.....b/c he cant pick up a phone it seems, for the past 2 weeks hehas lacked the simple courage to send me a message, or call me simply b/c he lacks the balls to do so. Im over this BS, its not worth my emotions or energy anymore, it never was. I deserve better, and know theres better men out there who wont pull shit bullshit like a child.
Today was a crazy day. Went and got all the tests done for my surgery which is this upcoming Tuesdayyyy!!! Then some family was over and they were here all day and then left tonight. Now none of that sounds crazy does it? Well what was crazy is my longtime friend of 7 years, Zack, started hitting on me after I told him Ive declared myself single as of a couple days ago. He and I have a history of being friends, and watching eachother go through other relationships with eachothers friends and what not. I mean, I think Zack is hot, Ive always been attracted to him. But like never thought that me and him would ever happen, not in a millionnnnn years!!! And number one, I JUST got out of a relationship....that wasnt breathing at the end anyways since it takes 2 people to make a relationship come alive. But anyways....Hes a sweet guy, makes me laugh all the time. Hes smart as hell and is so creative. Dare I mention again that hes hot?
He asked me to listen to his radio show today from noon to 3pm for Fullerton College. I promised him I would and hes really excited about me listening in for some reason.....sorta cute. He also wants me to heal quickly from my surgery so I can go back to OC to see him, I havent gotten to hang with him since.....the begining of October.
He said he misses me, and I promised him Id be in the oc asap after my surgery. Before we said goodnight, he said, "Ok Im gonna text u first thing tomorow baby". Hes a sweet guy. Crazy ass world....thats all I can say....Im going to bed so I can wake up ontime for his radio show!! Gnights everyone!!
Heres some pix of Zack I thought Id share. Oh yeah, not one word Jolie!! LOL

Today was a crazy day. Went and got all the tests done for my surgery which is this upcoming Tuesdayyyy!!! Then some family was over and they were here all day and then left tonight. Now none of that sounds crazy does it? Well what was crazy is my longtime friend of 7 years, Zack, started hitting on me after I told him Ive declared myself single as of a couple days ago. He and I have a history of being friends, and watching eachother go through other relationships with eachothers friends and what not. I mean, I think Zack is hot, Ive always been attracted to him. But like never thought that me and him would ever happen, not in a millionnnnn years!!! And number one, I JUST got out of a relationship....that wasnt breathing at the end anyways since it takes 2 people to make a relationship come alive. But anyways....Hes a sweet guy, makes me laugh all the time. Hes smart as hell and is so creative. Dare I mention again that hes hot?
He asked me to listen to his radio show today from noon to 3pm for Fullerton College. I promised him I would and hes really excited about me listening in for some reason.....sorta cute. He also wants me to heal quickly from my surgery so I can go back to OC to see him, I havent gotten to hang with him since.....the begining of October.
He said he misses me, and I promised him Id be in the oc asap after my surgery. Before we said goodnight, he said, "Ok Im gonna text u first thing tomorow baby". Hes a sweet guy. Crazy ass world....thats all I can say....Im going to bed so I can wake up ontime for his radio show!! Gnights everyone!!
Heres some pix of Zack I thought Id share. Oh yeah, not one word Jolie!! LOL

I miss u....i'm glad u seem to be doing better....u still going to vegas to see me, right?
u HAVE to!
love u