I feel lame. Lame because Im writing this blog out of complete boredem. I do have stuff to update on, but still.... Im on my mom's desktop comp too, which has a virus or two on it that has made it whack out and work only 25% of the time, while my laptop completely shut down on me while I was in Baltimore with my boy. Id go into psw chat, or work on holiday shopping, but aparently its too much for this comp to handle right now, lol. Im getting a new laptop when I go back to Baltimore in 3 weeks, so Im VERY much looking forward to that. But until then Im pretty much without PSW chat, AIM, Yahoo messenger, and MSN messenger. RAWRRR!!!!
Also, for family gifts this year, Im giving them all pictures in nice frames. Only problem is....all my good pix I wanted to give people are on my effing broke ass lap top. So Im trying to figure out what to do with that.....blehness.
Well, I got the word 2 days ago that my insurance finally approved my surgery!!!! So, I'll finally be having it on January 12th. Its been a longgggg process to go through.....a 9 month process. I cant wait.
Tonight I went to my Grandma Ann's condo and suprised her and her caretaker with a little xmas tree and lots of decorations and a movie. While she and I watched the movie, I also set up the tree and decorated it, and then decorated her condo. She was so excited about it, it was so cute. Shes a 86 year old 4' 10" italian woman, so shes pretty entertaining, lol.
My parents are going away from Monday to Wednesday to visit some friends, so Im gonna house sit and animal sit while they are gone and Im gonna do a little xmas set for psw. Weee!!!
Im gonna go feed myself dinner, my tummy has been growling for a couple hours.
Also, for family gifts this year, Im giving them all pictures in nice frames. Only problem is....all my good pix I wanted to give people are on my effing broke ass lap top. So Im trying to figure out what to do with that.....blehness.
Well, I got the word 2 days ago that my insurance finally approved my surgery!!!! So, I'll finally be having it on January 12th. Its been a longgggg process to go through.....a 9 month process. I cant wait.
Tonight I went to my Grandma Ann's condo and suprised her and her caretaker with a little xmas tree and lots of decorations and a movie. While she and I watched the movie, I also set up the tree and decorated it, and then decorated her condo. She was so excited about it, it was so cute. Shes a 86 year old 4' 10" italian woman, so shes pretty entertaining, lol.
My parents are going away from Monday to Wednesday to visit some friends, so Im gonna house sit and animal sit while they are gone and Im gonna do a little xmas set for psw. Weee!!!
Im gonna go feed myself dinner, my tummy has been growling for a couple hours.

Best of luck with the surgery. Cant wait for your xmas set.
I know how much u wanted it!
Awwwww...ur grandma must be so adooorable!
miss u, come baaackkkk (ive been pretty much gone too lol)