Today has been a very busy and stressful day for me!
I got woke up this morning at 6:58am by the phone ringing it was a girl from down the street Seans Little brother (anthony) who he has guardianship of( i am basically their mom) got hit by a car at the end of the street when he was walking to the bus stop. So I threw on clothes and shoes I didnt put a bra or socks on or comb my hair and me and Sean flew out the door got in the van and drove down the street as fast as possible! There were like 5 cop cars , an ambulance, a fire truck and all that! So I started to freak out thinking that he was hurt badly I parked the car in the middle of the street and ran over there with Sean and his brother looked ok he was standing there talking to the cops. The guy that hit him(His name is Eric) was standing there waiting to talk to cops and Sean went and got in his face and was pissed. Sean told him that he was gonna break his fucking neck! I had to pull Sean away. So not only did the guy hit Seans brother he hit Anthonys friend too! Needless to say Anthony went to the hospital just to make sure he was ok and then we stayed and waited for the police report. The guy got arrested( I found out later that he had a warrent out for his arrest) HAHA that is what the bastard gets. He literally came off the road into this parking lot at the end of the road cause he wasnt paying attention and hit him. So we went to the hospital and he was ok he is bruised and soar but that is it and his elbow is all scrapped and cut his elbow went through the guys windshield and it is a little cut and bruised. But thank god he is ok. So I went and picked the police report up at the police station cause the cop had to fill it out and he came to the hospital to make sure he was ok and get info from Anthony(he is the reason we found out that anthony went through the windshied cause he doesnt remember it.)So to make the story shorter the ass hole doesnt have insurance. So we can sue or just have our insurance we have on the kids pay for the hospital bills no pain and suffereing check or anything. It pisses me off that the ass hole didnt have insurance what a idiot honestly. I hope he is still sittiing in jail cause he is a dumbass. Can you tell I am mad!
ok enough ranting. IT is over and he is ok and that is all that matters
I had 50 milion things to do on top of that today. I had to go get Sean cigarettess,clean the house,go grocery shopping, take seans mom the doctor,and take sean to work. I have been busy all day but I think I have everything done now. I still need to call the hospital and tell them that our insurance is paying the bills and I need to take a shower and put away my laundry but i have all the big shit done
I am so happy I am off tomorrow. Maybe I can sleep in and relax I dont have anything to do tomorrow that I know of.
I am done Christmas shopping thank god and my tree is up and all the presents are wrapped and under it. I am so happy to be done. That is a big weight off my shoulders.
Well I am off to take a shower and go to the wallgreens to get some neosporen and big band aids for anthonys arm and elbow
Question of the day
Want to switch lives for a day?
Oh and I wanted to wish everyone a
I might not get a chance to get on here before then! I have to work on Christmas eve from 4 to close which is 10pm not so bad and i get to work with the cool manager so everything should be laid back.
I got woke up this morning at 6:58am by the phone ringing it was a girl from down the street Seans Little brother (anthony) who he has guardianship of( i am basically their mom) got hit by a car at the end of the street when he was walking to the bus stop. So I threw on clothes and shoes I didnt put a bra or socks on or comb my hair and me and Sean flew out the door got in the van and drove down the street as fast as possible! There were like 5 cop cars , an ambulance, a fire truck and all that! So I started to freak out thinking that he was hurt badly I parked the car in the middle of the street and ran over there with Sean and his brother looked ok he was standing there talking to the cops. The guy that hit him(His name is Eric) was standing there waiting to talk to cops and Sean went and got in his face and was pissed. Sean told him that he was gonna break his fucking neck! I had to pull Sean away. So not only did the guy hit Seans brother he hit Anthonys friend too! Needless to say Anthony went to the hospital just to make sure he was ok and then we stayed and waited for the police report. The guy got arrested( I found out later that he had a warrent out for his arrest) HAHA that is what the bastard gets. He literally came off the road into this parking lot at the end of the road cause he wasnt paying attention and hit him. So we went to the hospital and he was ok he is bruised and soar but that is it and his elbow is all scrapped and cut his elbow went through the guys windshield and it is a little cut and bruised. But thank god he is ok. So I went and picked the police report up at the police station cause the cop had to fill it out and he came to the hospital to make sure he was ok and get info from Anthony(he is the reason we found out that anthony went through the windshied cause he doesnt remember it.)So to make the story shorter the ass hole doesnt have insurance. So we can sue or just have our insurance we have on the kids pay for the hospital bills no pain and suffereing check or anything. It pisses me off that the ass hole didnt have insurance what a idiot honestly. I hope he is still sittiing in jail cause he is a dumbass. Can you tell I am mad!
ok enough ranting. IT is over and he is ok and that is all that matters
I had 50 milion things to do on top of that today. I had to go get Sean cigarettess,clean the house,go grocery shopping, take seans mom the doctor,and take sean to work. I have been busy all day but I think I have everything done now. I still need to call the hospital and tell them that our insurance is paying the bills and I need to take a shower and put away my laundry but i have all the big shit done
I am so happy I am off tomorrow. Maybe I can sleep in and relax I dont have anything to do tomorrow that I know of.
I am done Christmas shopping thank god and my tree is up and all the presents are wrapped and under it. I am so happy to be done. That is a big weight off my shoulders.
Well I am off to take a shower and go to the wallgreens to get some neosporen and big band aids for anthonys arm and elbow
Question of the day
Want to switch lives for a day?
Oh and I wanted to wish everyone a

I might not get a chance to get on here before then! I have to work on Christmas eve from 4 to close which is 10pm not so bad and i get to work with the cool manager so everything should be laid back.
sorry to hear you had such a stressful day!
hope that's gone and you're enjoying your holidays!
i know this is the SG equivalent of a mass xmas card letter
but at least it has hot chicks to go with its sentiment!
sorry for the cookie cutterness but i'll get back for real when my mom isn't here and i don't have to work tomorrow early...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...
or at least a pop...
but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out!
happy holidays and lots of love!