In the landscape of Spring,
there is neither "better" nor "worse".
The flowering branches grow naturally...
some long, some short.
haha... My last blog was in 2003


What the fuck is wrong with me?

I KNEW last night, that I had things I wanted to get done today... so why the hell did I stay up all night anyway? And it's not even like I did anything interesting... didn't get laid... didn't get drunk... didn't even leave my apartment... A few friends came over and we just sat up all night...
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well it was sort of difficult to say hello, when i saw you i was about two people back from the front having the life smooched out of my body and pinching the guy who was making out with his girlfriend in the back repeatedly because he was a stupid stupid man....
then somehow i got attached to my friend jon's wallet chain on my pants and we had to get out, because we were getting thrown all over the place together, messy messy.
i was going to say hello afterwards, but you were no where to be found, or at least i couldn't see you anywhere.
I was, as far as the harry potter books go, in your same position of disbelief untill I was wondering what happened after the second movie so i picked up the third book and got sucked in they are good adolecent book and you have to hold them to that expectation, they don't challenge you way of thought but do prevoke you what if thoughts. ok enough of me to try to sell you on the book.

St. louis huh. travel to that whole middle US thing was never one of my fonder memories, but maybe it would be a good reality check to california, I'll put it in my thought bank.
must... clean... apartmennnt...

This sucks... finally get a day off from both of my jobs, and I wake up to an apartment that me and my (equally busy) roommate have been neglecting for the past couple weeks... sink full of dishes... random bottles, cans, and fast-food bags laying all over the living-room... someone used one of my drums as an ashtray or something... and...
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I'm not saying a fear of death isn't natural. I'm not saying a fear of death isn't healthy. I'm not trying to remove a fear of death from anything. I'm just saying it's very primitive in origin.
ok so tonight is SGSTL's famous "Keep It In The Family" Soprano's Celebration...

...also, i need info:
1) are you in town, if so for how long, or if not, when are you coming back?
2) e-mail addy and phone # please! click contact on my profile and e-mail me them, this way we can all stay abreast of what is happening with SGSTL
3) what do I have to do to get you to an event? Shalome offered buying us all SG buttons...

...your leader has spoken!