I hit up the gym before the snow storm hit. I went to the market too, and purchased whipped cream and hot chocolate for me and The Lost boy!! I think the Lost boy is experiencing symathy PMS, because he is eating chococlate donuts and drinking hot chocolate and is gonna make chocolate pudding later for us!! Mmm, I' not too into donuts, but I am all about hot chocolate mixed with cream-not just water- and lots of mini marshmellows (sp?)
I just smoked a bowl awhile ago and I am starting to feel it. I am sipping peppermint tea and totally taking in the lovley day, which technically is wretched because its a blizzard, but I have all my shit done, and I am all showered-mmm, I love Vanilla Body wash-and I am in a massive black t-shit and my boxers-stolen from a ex, the only way I wear my mens under garments.
Keith is sleeping in my bed, and he looks so cute when he sleeps. He came to my place around 4:30, and I left him here to work out and pick up food. I thought he'd be in bed when I returned but he waited up for me!! Ii don't why I found it so sweet but Ii was actually overwhelmed by love for this kid. I think its just that when he does stuff for me he does it in scuh a natural way as if he would do it even if Ii didn't gush about it afterward, and that makes me feel like I am dating a equal, not like a obsessed fan, which Ii have defiently dated before and they suck. Like ever dated somebody who was so appeasing and so on your shit it actually begins to feel extremly irrating.
I am too damn cheery and yippity skipity to write right now. I must watch crappy tv, and live in this blazed bliss!!