This is what I did since my cars been gone.
Since Lulu (my honda civic) was abducted, I have called the phone company and had my cell phone shut off temporarily. I am really upset about that, cause my phone books were also in the car, so I do not have anyones number, and I can't reach anyone cept through e-mail, and ..... Plus, if I get a new cell will this mean that I loose all my old text messages. I have saved most of the messages Keith has sent me, and they are priceless to me, and if they are lost forever
I also called the credit card company, and the bank and told them of my situation, and the dmv has been called so the plates could be cancled, and I just am so pissed because I am not only missing my cell, my new purse that my girl got me from the fetish line no less, but my cds, and my cd player, and my stilletos and my go-go boots and so many books and I am beyond words, becasue Ii did leave the damn car running and I should of known better, but Ii like live at the 7'11 and I have always left that car running out there, and I can't believe someone wants to do this to a total stranger!!!!!!!! CURSES CURSES.
To all put me to shame, my girl Pickles, who I saw the night of the car napping ( before hand ofcourse) totally was there for me today. She took me to the bank and the health food store, and the vitamen shoppe, and was the definition of a real friend. This totally makes me feel horrible for not seeing her sooner then Ii did, and also made me more aware that I am not as "adult" or "nice" as Ii think I am. I hang my head in shame.
Since Lulu (my honda civic) was abducted, I have called the phone company and had my cell phone shut off temporarily. I am really upset about that, cause my phone books were also in the car, so I do not have anyones number, and I can't reach anyone cept through e-mail, and ..... Plus, if I get a new cell will this mean that I loose all my old text messages. I have saved most of the messages Keith has sent me, and they are priceless to me, and if they are lost forever

To all put me to shame, my girl Pickles, who I saw the night of the car napping ( before hand ofcourse) totally was there for me today. She took me to the bank and the health food store, and the vitamen shoppe, and was the definition of a real friend. This totally makes me feel horrible for not seeing her sooner then Ii did, and also made me more aware that I am not as "adult" or "nice" as Ii think I am. I hang my head in shame.